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Viper (Hell's Handlers MC 9)

Page 66

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“Ha,” Jazz said. “I’m sure we all know how she convinced Sarge to talk.” She winked at Shell who made a gagging noise.

“Gross. Can we not imply my mother did some sort of kinky crap to my dad to get what she wanted? Please? I’m trying to actually keep these fries down.” Shell shuddered as she dropped a French fry on the plate with a disgusted look.

Cassie’s face heated. She stared at the table. “Well, okay, Cindy roped me into persuading Viper to talk with Sarge.”

While Shell’s eyes widened, Jazz pumped her fist in the air. “Yeah, Mama V. So you’re saying you did kinky shit to Viper to get your way? Get it, girl.”

With her cheeks burning, Cassie cleared her throat. “It’d been years and it was just time. They were in the same club. Sarge may have had tunnel vision toward becoming the president, but he hadn’t pulled anymore solo stunts. It was time to let bygones be bygones.”

“Yeah, yeah.” Jazz waived her hand. “That’s great. Now give us the details of how you got Viper to meet with Sarge. Do you remember?”

When both Cassie and Shell blinked at Jazz, she shrugged. “What? I’ve got two men to keep satisfied. Nothing wrong with looking to add to my repertoire.”

Shell rolled her eyes. “Please continue, Cassie. So what happened? They talked and worked it all out?”

“Sweetie, is this your first day with the club?” Cassie asked making both Shell and Jazz giggle. “They punched each other until they were bruised and bloody, had a few beers, and everything was back to normal.”

Shaking her head, Jazz said, “Men are so fucking weird. Why do they do that shit?”

“You tell us,” Shell said in a droll tone. “You’re the one who’s shacked up with two of them.”

“Um, excuse me?”

All three women turned toward the timid voice. Standing bug-eyed five feet from the booth was none other than Makenna, there for her interview with Jazz. She looked adorable and professional in black slacks and a cranberry button-up. The outfit was faded, but well taken care of.

“Makenna,” Cassie said standing. “It’s so nice to see you again.”

The young woman’s relief at seeing a somewhat familiar face was nearly palpable. Cassie hadn’t mentioned she planned to be there when Makenna arrived for her interview. She remembered all too well how difficult it was searching for a job in a town with no family and friends around for support. Anything she could do to lend a hand and a friendly smile, she would.

She waved her hand. “Come on over, honey. I promise these women won’t bite. As Jazz said, she has two men to bite at home.”

“Seriously, Mama V?” Jazz shot daggers at her with her eyes.

“Well it’s not like she didn’t hear you say it a minute ago.”

“Yeah but now my interviewee thinks I’m some kinda pervert and we really need to hire another server.” She turned toward Makenna. “Please don’t run out of here. It’s true, I have two men and I’m kinky, but I promise I keep my personal life separate from work.”

“Liar,” Shell said, coughing to disguise the remark.

“Uhh…” Makenna just looked between the three of them like they were all crazy. She took one step back but before she could bolt, Cassie slipped her arm through Makenna’s.

Time for damage control.

“Okay, honey, let’s start this over again, shall we? This is Shell. She’s worked here for a few years but will be leaving soon, hence the desperate need for a server.” She pointed to Shell who waved with a sweet smile. “And this is Jazmine. She’s the manager and will be interviewing you.”

“Hi, Makenna, so nice to meet you. Ignore her,” Jazz said, swatting Shell’s shoulder before she stepped out of the booth. She extended a hand to Makenna who shook it with a shy smile. “I promise we are only about half as crazy as we came off.”

That had Makenna smiling and visibly relaxing. “I’m used to crazy so it’s all good.”

“All right. Let’s head on back to my office so we can chat.”

Makenna nodded and followed Jazz with a wave for Cassie and Shell.

Once the women were out of sight, Cassie sat back down in the booth. “I hope that works out. I can’t tell you why, but I just have a feeling that woman needs a break.”

Shell tipped her head to the side. “You know, you are probably the best person I know, Mama V. I truly mean that.”

“That can’t possibly be true.” Warmth filled her heart even as the denial left her lips.

“You’re constantly looking out for others and doing for them. We should all be doing for you right now, and you’re selflessly giving of yourself as always.”

“Pretty sure it doesn’t count as selfless if the distraction keeps me sane right now.”

Reaching across the table, Shell placed her hand over Cassie’s. “It sure does. Many people choose drugs, anger, or even just sleep as their form of escape. You’re out adopting new chicks to mother. You’re the best there is, and you won’t convince me otherwise.”

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