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Viper (Hell's Handlers MC 9)

Page 67

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Cassie gave her a small smile. “Thanks, sweetie.”

“So how are you, for real?”

“Sad, lonely, a little lost.”

“Is it okay for me to say I’m feeling all those things as well?” Shell asked, voice hitching.

“Oh, sweetie, of course. I’m well aware of how much you loved Viper and how much he loved you. You’re our girl.” She clutched Shell’s hand as her throat thickened. “We’ll all get through this. He won’t tolerate us remaining too sad for too long, you know. He’s likely to start haunting us.”

Shell’s laugh was watery and a bit unsteady. “Don’t cheer me up. I’m supposed to cheer you up.”

“You do, sweetie. Just by being here.” That was one hundred percent the truth. Being around the younger generation in the club kept her feeling fresh and lifted her spirits.

Shell climbed out of her side of the booth and came around to Cassie’s. She put an arm around Cassie’s waist and rested her head on her shoulder. “He loved you so much, Mama V. He knew how lucky he was to have you. You two had a relationship that was enviable and admirable. You rarely fought, never had any ugly breakups, no major drama. Once you got together, there wasn’t anything that could have torn you apart.”

A humorless chuckle escaped. “Uh, that’s not entirely true, you know. We actually broke up once. I thought it was over for good.”

Shell popped her head up. “What? You’re kidding.”

“Not kidding.”

“Oh, my gosh, I had no idea. Do you mind telling me about it?” The curiosity and shock in her gaze almost had Cassie laughing. No relationship was perfect. Even the closest of couples had issues on occasion.

“Sure. It happened right after your parents got married…”



Thunder rumbled through the town as Viper hit the throttle and sped toward home. A peek at his mirror revealed angry gray clouds inching closer with every second. Another clap of thunder brought torrents of rain, soaking him and slicking the mountain roads. Lightning streaked across the sky followed by another earth-shuddering boom. And another. And another. This time, his body shook with the ground—

“Viper! Viper wake up!”

Cassie? She hadn’t come on this ride with him. Wasn’t she supposed to be at work?

“Viper! Someone is at the door. Wake. Up.”

This time her harsh whisper and vigorous shake cut through the dense fog of sleep. He shot up in bed, automatically reaching for the pistol he kept in the nightstand.

Bam. Bam. Bam.

“What the fuck is that noise?” On full alert, his body readied itself for a fight.

Cassie clutched his arm. “Someone’s pounding on the door. They have been for the past few minutes.”

“Christ.” He ran a hand down his face, waking up half-asleep nerve endings. The phone hadn’t rung since the previous afternoon. Who the fuck would come over in the middle of the night without calling? Whoever the fuck it was better be goddammed bleeding. He flipped on the bedside light, grabbed his gun, and stood.

“Viper, it’s three in the morning.” Her voice held a tremor of fear as she clutched the sheet to her chest. “Should I call the police or something?”

Police? Was she still asleep? “Babe…”

Cassie held up her hand and rolled her eyes. “I know, stupid suggestion. I’m just kinda freaking out here. Please be careful.”

Bam. Bam. Bam.

He grabbed the back of her head and pressed a quick kiss to her forehead. “I got this. Just stay here.” Another kiss then he was heading toward the hallway.

“Viper!” Cassie’s whisper-yell stopped him in his tracks.

He turned to find her kneeling in the center of the bed wearing nothing but a skimpy tank top and even skimpier panties. All that gorgeous red hair stuck out in a million directions from the way he’d ravaged her before bed. The only reason he should be up at three a.m. is to take advantage of all that sexy. Not to see who was busting down his door.

“You’re in your underwear!”

He shrugged. Big deal. He wasn’t gonna waste more time searching for pants. Whoever made the mistake of waking him up would have to deal with seeing the outline of his dick. “Mean it, babe,” he said pointing at her. “Do not get out of this bed. I’ll whoop that fine ass if you come down those stairs. And not in the way you like.” With a wink he hoped would settle her nerves, he left her alone in their bedroom.

Bam. Bam. Bam.

“Calm your fucking tits,” he muttered under his breath as he jogged down the steps. When he reached the first floor, he chambered around and slinked toward the front door, back pressed to the wall. The bright moon illuminated a hulking shadow easily seen through the gauzy curtains Cassie had hung over the glass.

As he crept to the door with the intention of using his gun to move the curtains and peek out the window, he heard, “Viper, I fucking see you. Open the dammed door and let me in before your neighbors have me hauled away for fuck’s sake.”

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