Viper (Hell's Handlers MC 9) - Page 84

“Lookin’ sharp, brother,” Sarge said as he stepped into the spare room Viper had taken over in the club house.

“Yeah? I pass muster?”

“I mean, you ain’t my type, but I’m pretty sure that lady of yours’ll be willing to do you.”

Viper laughed. “Sure hope so.”

Sarge looked much the same Viper did in dark denim, a white shirt and his cut. He wore his typical scuffed boots and hadn’t bothered with new jeans, but he’d cleaned up well. “Looking pretty good yourself, brother.”

With a wink, Sarge nodded. “Cindy sure thought so. She apologizes for making us late.”

Viper snorted. “Why do I feel like you’re more to blame than she is?”

The only reply he got was a smirk and wagging eyebrows.

“Supposed to tell you it’s time.”


His stomach did a loop-d-loop, flipping and flopping multiple times. He hadn’t had a lick of nerves until this very moment and now he just might puke before going out there.

“You okay, brother? Face is turning kinda green.”

“Shit. Uh, yeah, I’m good. Nervous all of a sudden.” He pressed a hand to his stomach and shook his head to clear the anxiety.

“Need me to go out there and tell ’em it’s off?”

Christ, the question struck a chord of fear in his heart that obliterated any nerves. “Fuck, no.”

“Didn’t think so. Now, get your ass out there before I go tell your woman you’re getting cold feet.”

“It’s not cold feet. I want to marry her. It’s just…big. I wanna do right by her, ya know?”

With a roll of his eyes, Sarge said, “How did I not know you were such a romantic sap when we prospected together the first time around?” Sarge slapped him on the back as he opened the door. “Let’s roll.”

Maybe he was a romantic sap, but who the fuck cared? Cassie…Christ, she was fucking everything and if that made him a sap, so be it. He’d take a hundred bullets before he let one hair on that woman’s head be harmed.

Together, he and Sarge made their way down the stairs and out to the clearing. As he stepped outside, he stopped short. “Well, fuck me,” he breathed.

“Not bad, huh?”

“Shit, it’s like a different world.”

The ol’ ladies had more than outdone themselves. Fifty or so chairs had been set out for their guests with space for an aisle down the center. Overhead, crisscrossing strings of lights twinkled giving the evening a glow that matched the setting sun, which, by the way, was stunning that evening. With the woods surrounding the clearing and an arch of peach colored flowers serving as an altar, the place appeared exactly a Cassie had hoped.




Nerves transformed into excitement with each passing second until he couldn’t stand to wait any longer. Viper walked toward the altar where the Justice of the Peace they’d hired stood. They shook hands and made some small talk, but Viper couldn’t have recalled what the man said five seconds after he said it. His ears buzzed and heart pounded in his throat.

Music began to play as everyone assumed their positions and guests fell quiet. Again, Viper wouldn’t be able to remember the song by the time it finished playing.

But there was one thing he’d remember until the day he died. And that was the moment Cassie came into view.

In his mind, the music stopped playing, the guests ceased to exist, and he and Cassie transported to their own world. She was…stunning in a knee length white dress and high-heeled white boots. Her long hair flowed straight down her back, a silky waterfall he couldn’t wait to feel against his bare skin later that night. The top of the dress hugged her sexy body, giving a little tease of cleavage and attaching in straps around her neck. The skirt flowed, cutting off mid-thigh.

Man, he’d be asking her to bend over later for sure. See if he could get a peek of what she had under that dress.

He lifted a hand to his chin, rubbing to make sure he hadn’t drooled on himself. She looked downright edible. But what struck him the most, was the smile on her face.

She fucking glowed like a goddammed angel, and if anyone asked, he’d swear she floated down that aisle to him.

Her eyes were sparkling, and when she reached him, she said a breathy, “Hi.”

He smiled. “You look…” He shook his head as his throat thickened. Fuck, was he about to cry? “You’re so…shit, Cassie…you look so…” He couldn’t get the word out without breaking down.

Cassie took his hand giving it a squeeze. “Thank you,” she whispered. “You too.”

They stood there for a few moments, staring at each other like lovesick fools until Cassie finally giggled. “Uh, Viper?”

“Didn’t you hear? He asked us to turn around. Three times.”

Well, shit, who could expect him to pay attention when Cassie was watching him like he made the world just for her?”

Tags: Lilly Atlas Hell's Handlers MC Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024