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Viper (Hell's Handlers MC 9)

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“Oh, right.” In front of them, the guests snickered.

Taking her hand, he turned her around and together they faced the man who would marry them.

Words were spoken, they must have been. Isn’t that what happened in a wedding? A few of his brothers came up to read what he himself had chosen, but for the life of him he couldn’t remember what the hell any of it was. All he could do was stare at Cassie, breathe in her fresh scent, and imagine the moment he could rip that dress off her body.

“Viper? Viper?” A throat cleared—loudly.


“I asked if you were ready to read the vows you’ve written.”

“Oh, yeah, shit, sorry.” He winced as their guests laughed and Cassie gave him the most adorable smile. She was on to him and why he was so zoned out. He blew out a breath, took both of her hands, and prayed he could convey just how much he loved her.

“Cassie,” he began in a raspy voice. “The very first day we met, you gave me a gift I had no right to ask for but wanted more than anything. You gave me your trust. Time and time again, you handed me this same precious gift. You trusted me to pull you from a terrible situation. You trusted me to deliver us to a new life. You trusted me to keep us safe for years. And you trusted me with your love. Today, I ask you to trust me again with your life. Trust that I will keep you safe, that I will make you happy, that I will be your home, and most of all, trust that I will love you with every part of myself. One more time, baby, give me your trust and I’ll prove to you I’m worthy of the gift. I’ll spend a lifetime loving you with everything I have.”

He swallowed a thick lump of emotion lodged in his throat. Cassie seemed to be suffering the same fate. Her throat worked and she blinked in rapid succession.

“Cassandra,” the man presiding said. “You’re up.”

“I-it was s-so easy,” she began, fingers trembling within his grasp. “To give you that trust. At the time, I couldn’t fully say why, beyond the need to be free. To be safe. But as time went on, I realized I trusted you because you were you. Strong, honorable, brave…trustworthy. You say you want to be worthy of me? Viper, you’ve proven yourself worthy of my love more times than I can count. I only hope to do the same. You’re my hero. Not only because you save me, but because you’ve given me a life worth living. A life and a family I wouldn’t trade for all the riches in the world. I vow that I will care for you, I will trust you with every fiber of my being, I will take as good care of you as you do me, and I will love you until there isn’t a breath left in my body.”

They might as well have been on their own planet for all the attention he paid to the rest of the attendants. All he saw was Cassie, pledging her love and undying trust to him. What more could he ask for in life. If he died in that moment, if the earth opened and swallowed him whole, he’d go knowing he’d found true happiness in his life. He squeezed her hands tighter. If he had his way, he’d absorb her into his body. Truly become one in every way.

“I know as we grow and move through our life together, you’ll do amazing things. You’re not just my hero, Viper. You’re a hero. And I have no doubt you’ll be one for so many more people.” She smiled and it hit him straight in the heart. The genuine happiness, the love, the devotion. Cassie hid nothing from him in her expression or her words and it humbled him.

How many men were lucky enough to experience this in their lifetime? Couldn’t be many.

“Thank you,” she went on, “for walking into that shack. Thank you for not only saving my life but breathing life into my existence. I vow to you, here, in front of everyone we call family that I will make sure you know every day of your life how much I love you and value you. You’ll never regret taking me across the country with you.”

Regret it? She could flip him off and run down the aisle and he still wouldn’t regret it because he had incredible years with her.

The urge to kiss her grew so strong, he almost told the attendant to fuck off and just took what he wanted. Somehow, he found the strength to restrain himself.

More words were spoken and I dos were said. At least he thought so. That was standard wedding fare, right? Once again, he was so captivated by his Cassie, nothing else registered.

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