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Thunder (Hell's Handlers MC 10)

Page 60

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“So,” Shell continued. “We want to know what’s going on.”

As she spoke, the door to the diner opened, and Copper stepped into the building. Used to the jingle of bells announcing customers, none of the women reacted. In less than three seconds, Copper had zeroed in on his pregnant wife. Due to the way they stood, Mak was the one who witnessed his approach. “Uh, Shell…”

Shell held up a hand. “Nu-uh, don’t even try to give us some bullshit answer my husband told you to say. Something is going on that involves you, Jazz, and the CDMC, and we want to know what it is.”

“Shell.” Mak squeaked out the word this time, her gaze on the huge, bearded man with his arms crossed over his massive chest and a scowl the size of Texas on his furry face.

Shell huffed. “What? What are you looking at?” She spun around and gasped. “Oh, hi, baby!”

“Oh, boy,” Jazz whispered as all four of them took a collective step back. “Now him? He scares me. Yikes, he’s mad. I’m gonna just go—”

“Don’t even think about moving that gorgeous ass one step,” Screw said, as he strolled up next to Copper.

Jazz froze in place and pursed her lips.

“So much for not being scared of him,” Holly muttered.

“Shut up. I’m not scared. I’m only staying here for Shell’s sake. Solidarity in sisterhood and all that shit.”

Screw snorted.

Mak couldn’t do anything but stand there wide-eyed, gawking at this group of intimidating men and ballsy women. Had she defied her husband so blatantly, or any of the men in the community, she’d have had a hell of a beating coming her way. She’d lived through those beatings more times than she cared to recall.

What would it be like to feel so secure and safe in a relationship that fear never entered the mind? To know that even though they’d angered their men, they were loved, and no one would ever raise a hand against them? What would it be like to live the dream Makenna would never achieve? These women knew their men would be angry if they were caught nosing around club business. Sure, they’d probably deal with a grumbling male for a few hours, but they never had to fear pain or punishment.

They were lucky.

They were loved.

“And what were you ladies talking about, Michelle?” Copper asked in full growl mode.

“Oooh.” Jazz sucked in an audible breath before leaning closer to Mak. “Full first name. Never a good thing.”

Screw narrowed his eyes at his woman, but his lips quirked. “You better watch all that sass, Jazmine.”

“Yeah?” She tilted her head. “What are you gonna do about it?”

Just as Screw opened his mouth, the bell jangled over the door and in strode Thunder. He took one look at Mak and threw his hands in the air. “You gotta be fucking kidding me.” He stormed straight over to her. “Knew I shoulda come by earlier this morning. What the hell are you doing here?”

“Uh…” Mak looked at the smirks on her coworkers’ faces before focusing back on Thunder. “I’m working.” Why on earth would he care?

“Seriously?” He turned to Copper. “Prez? A little help here.”

Copper blew out a deep breath. “Let’s not make more of a scene than we already have, huh? This place closes in thirty, right?” He continued after Shell nodded. “We’ll have a chat once all the customers leave.”

Everyone dispersed, Copper to the table with Screw where Gumby still sat, and the ladies back to their jobs. Only Thunder remained, blocking her exit when Makenna tried to leave the space behind the counter.

“Babe, why the hell didn’t you call out today?” he asked with a frown as he stroked a thumb over what had to be a spectacular bag under her eye.

The urge to lean into him hit her hard. Wouldn’t it feel amazing to have a man like him at her back? One strong and capable who could hold her up when the weight on her shoulders weakened her.

But Makenna didn’t have the luxury of indulging in such fantasies because reality would still be waiting when Thunder removed his hand and stepped back. Her father and husband were still out there. They’d still destroy Thunder, and probably the rest of the Handlers should they find her. She still had five siblings to raise and protect from their past. Reality demanded she buck up, suck up, and stand strong for the little ones depending on her for survival.

So instead of begging him to hold her and make the big bad world disappear for a while, she shrugged. “You know why.”

If it came out snippy, he’d just have to forgive her. The loss of last night’s five hundred dollars forced her to restructure the entire next month’s budget. The stress combined with a serious lack of sleep and now a horde of pissed off bikers had her on edge.

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