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Thunder (Hell's Handlers MC 10)

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Guess it was high time she introduced herself to the supposed wonders of a vibrator. Or, “a girl’s best friend,” as Kristy had called it.

She plucked the thing out of the drawer and held it up at eye level. Seemed simple enough, a relatively slender cylindrical shaped rod with a slight curve to a tapered end. Smooth, pink, and—she pushed the center of three buttons on the base, bringing the thing to life—yikes, powerful.

Mak depressed the little minus button a few times. Maybe a lower setting to start. As the vibrator buzzed and whirred against her palm, she scooted herself back against the wall. Next, she shimmied out of her sleep shorts and bikini panties.

“You can do this,” she said aloud. The T-shirt followed the rest of the clothes, ending up in a heap on the carpeted floor. Instantly, her nipples hardened from the slight chill in the room.

Makenna blew out a breath. Nerves fluttered in her stomach as she stared at the quivering vibrator.

And what the hell was she supposed to do now? She closed her eyes, leaned her back against the wall, and blew out a breath. In the two years she spent married to a man she despised, she’d become skilled at disappearing into her head during sex. She’d faded away into an almost meditative state, allowing her mind to separate from the uncomfortable experience. Now, as she prepared to masturbate for the first time in ages, her mind started to drift away as though automatically programmed to do so.

“This is ridiculous.” With her eyes closed, Mak fumbled around for the wine glass. Once she found it and somehow managed to keep from knocking it over, she finished the rest in two large swallows. She needed to chill out. Hopefully, the wine would kick in soon.

“Okay,” she said aloud. “What do you feel?”

The sheets beneath her were cool and soft against her skin. Goosebumps popped up along her arms and legs as the soft breeze blew in through the windows. A slight scent of honeysuckle permeated the air from the bushes beneath her window. The only sound reaching her ears was the low buzz of her new toy.

With her eyes closed, she inhaled a deep breath and held it, focusing on the feeling of her chest expanding. Her breasts moving. She swore she felt her nipples pucker even more.

Suddenly, a buzz of energy skittered across her skin, bringing excitement along with it. All she needed now was a realistic fantasy to really get her in the mood.

Instantly, Thunder’s face popped into her head. Actually, his body. Just as it had looked the night he danced on the bar at the Handlers’ clubhouse. Damn, the man could move in ways she’d never even imagined. Were his hips even attached to his body? Because they sure seemed to move independently of the rest of him.

And those abs? Maybe he’d let her run her hands all over them just once. It’d probably be the only time in her life she’d be able to touch a man with such a stunning body. As she replayed the erotic dance in her mind, Makenna shifted on the bed. Whatever slight chill she’d been feeling a moment ago vanished, and she grew almost uncomfortably warm.

Her nipples remained hard, but for a different reason now. She bent her knees and planted her feet on the mattress, spreading her legs slightly. With her free hand, she reached between her thighs.


Keeping her eyes closed, she progressed the fantasy to one involving her. One where Thunder knelt on this very bed with a knee on either side of her body, straddling her. He’d be staring down at her with desire clear in his light brown eyes. The thought of seeing a man like him want her so badly had her squirming as arousal grew to a powerful level.

Thankfully, he wasn’t actually present to see the way her hand trembled, and she bit her lip with nerves. The fantasy Thunder overlooked all that, including her inexperience with an overtly sexual man like him.

As she imagined Thunder reaching between her parted thighs, she lowered the vibrator to her saturated folds. The second the toy made contact, fire shot through her body, and she lurched as though she’d been jolted with a live wire instead of a buzzing hunk of pink silicone.

“Holy shit,” she whispered, nerves gone. All she wanted now was more of that incredible feeling. “That felt so damn good.”

Prepared this time for the concentrated rush of sensation, Mak did it again. Her hips bucked, but she managed to keep from almost rocketing off the bed like before. This time, she let herself absorb the electric sensations pulsing from her sex out through her body. Moaning a little, she moved the toy up, brushing it over her clit. Her back arched, and she squeaked.

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