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Thunder (Hell's Handlers MC 10)

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Mak released Shell and stepped back.

Getting used to comfort from others would be foolish and make it so much harder to move on when she inevitably left.

Cassie set Emmie down. The toddler immediately charged into the den with the other girls. With a welcoming smile, Cassie took Mak’s hand and led her to the kitchen. As they walked, Kara came running up for a quick hug, followed by Emmie, then the kids wetn into the den to finish watching their movie.

“Okay, honey,” Cassie said as she guided Mak to a chair in the sunny kitchen. Everything looked so new and fresh, as though it’d only been a short time since the home had been remodeled. The counters were littered with papers, a few toys, and cooking utensils, giving the space a comfortably disorganized look. Like the rest of what she’d seen of the house. Not messy by any means, but a home lived in by real people who were comfortable in their space.

Cassie placed a mug in front of her and filled it with coffee. A plate of cookies also appeared on the table. This home was straight out of a Disney movie. All they needed was for someone to break out in random song, and her youngest few siblings would be more than happy to crush that task. “We’ve known each other long enough now that I hope you consider Shell and I friends. I know I speak for her when I say we think of you as a friend, a good one.”

Good friends? Really? Was Makenna so socially stunted she hadn’t realized they thought of her in that way? A burst of warmth spread through her body. She hadn’t been looking for friendship; hadn’t wanted it, but apparently, she’d found it. Her mental reflex was to deny Cassie’s words and keep their association on a professional level, but something inside of her craved this connection.

Would it really be that awful to claim them as friends? She’d started over from nothing before and knew how difficult the experience was. But she also knew she could survive it again if they left. So maybe she should soak up the gift and use the memories to help her through dark times later.

Mak straightened in her chair. “I do think of you guys as friends. And I value that friendship so much.” It’d been so long, she worried she didn’t express her feelings well enough. It was impossible not to like Cassie. The woman had barreled her way into Mak’s life in the most fantastic way possible, getting her a job, babysitting, and bringing sunshine every time she came around.

“Good,” Cassie said, pushing the plate of cookies Mak’s way. “Then tell us what has you stressed out when you should be…dare I say, satisfied today.” One of her thin eyebrows rose in an arc above her eye. They’d only begun to grow back in recent weeks.

“Satisfied?” Shell’s gaze bounced between the two of them. “Huh? What am I missing?”

Oh, my God, could the floor just open up and swallow her whole? Her face burned.

Cassie’s grin was positively smug. “A little birdie told me Thunder went to your house last night and didn’t come home until almost four this morning.”

Four, huh? So he’d stayed for a while. Slept even. But why had he left?

“Monty?” Shell asked, gaze on Cassie. “I heard he was rooming with Thunder for a few months until he found a place.”

“Yep. That boy is the worst of the bunch when it comes to gossip.” Cassie’s eyes sparkled with mirth. “That’s why I love him.”

Both women stared at Mak. “I…uh…well, he…can I plead the fifth?”

“No!” They said in unison, making Mak laugh.

Shell leaned forward. “Hmm.” She strummed her nails on the tabletop while studying Mak’s face. Then her jaw dropped. “Holy shit! You slept with him,” she whispered as though Thunder sat in the next room.

“I, wha—how do you know that?” Was the woman a psychic?

Shell sat back with a mischievous smile while Cassie chuckled. “I didn’t. But thank you for confirming it.”

Well, shit, she’d been had. “You’re evil.” Despite her embarrassment, Mak couldn’t help but smile. She bit into the cookie Cassie practically forced into her hands. It was then she realized how much she was enjoying herself. When the hell had she ever done this? Girl talk, gossiping about her sex life, laughing. Damn, it was fun!

“You know you’re the first,” Shell said around a mouthful of cookie.

“First?” Mak sipped her coffee. Caffeine was precisely what she needed—lots and lots of caffeine. “You can’t possibly mean the first woman he’s been with,” she said with a laugh.

“No, I mean the first who has a connection to the club. Usually, he just sleeps with clients.” She waved a hand as though it was common knowledge and no big deal.

Mak’s stomach dropped. “Clients?”

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