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Thunder (Hell's Handlers MC 10)

Page 76

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“Shell…” Cassie’s voice held a note of warning.

“Oh, uh, I assumed you knew.” Shell’s hand stilled midway to the plate of cookies. She let it fall to the table before shaking her head. “You know what. Never mind. Forget I said anything.”

Like that would happen. “No, tell me, please.”

Shell shot a pleading look Cassie’s way.

The older woman just sighed. “Thunder grew up in a bit of an unconventional way. His mother was a…well she was a sex worker in a cat house. He doesn’t talk about it, so I don’t know much, but he grew up there and has a bit of a skewed view of relationships. From what I gather, he only has sex with women who…hire him, I guess you’d say.”

“He’s a prostitute?” Mak squeaked. She sure as hell knew about unconventional upbringings, but prostitution wasn’t something she’d never have guessed. Or had any idea how to handle.

“Not really,” Shell cut in. “He doesn’t specifically hire himself out for that purpose.” She frowned. “It’s a little hard to explain. You know he’s a stripper. Many times, the women will offer him extra for…other things.” Her cheeks turned pink. “He’s never hooked up with anyone at a club party or had a girlfriend that I’m aware of. I think he views sex as a form of currency. It’s…well, it’s a little sad.”

“Wow, I had no idea.” She slumped back against her chair as her thoughts whirled. So why her? Why did he break his pattern for her?

“He must really like you,” Shell added, beaming.

“I like him too.” Whoops, she hadn’t meant to admit that aloud. But the cat was out of the bag now.

Shell clapped. “This is awesome. I love you two together. He’s so fun, and you need some fun in your life, missy.”

Cassie smiled, but it didn’t portray the same enthusiasm. Older and with more life experience, she probably realized nothing would come of this, but still, Mak couldn’t help the buzz of excitement at being something more to Thunder.

Bits of the previous night replayed in her head, making her nearly dizzy with the thrill of it. Until she recalled the moment Thunder had grasped her neck. Then the uncertainty, confusion, and even shame came rushing back. So much about what happened made no sense to her. If only there was a way to unbox and sort the feelings.

Cassie and Shell claimed to want to be her friends, said they were her friends, and, so far, acted as though they meant it. Girlfriends shared their problems and went to each other for advice, right? Who else did she have to talk to? For years she’d kept her fears, troubles, and stresses confined inside her head. Sure, Lee was an excellent sounding board, but not for something like this.

Maybe, just maybe, opening up to these women would provide some clarity. A quick peek over her shoulder into the den revealed the kids still absorbed in the movie while Shell’s daughter Beth built a tower of blocks with a chattering Emmie. “Can I ask you guys something?”

“Of course,” Cassie said. “Anything. And if you need, nothing leaves this table.”

Shell reached out and took her hand. It seems the women could sense her internal struggle. “We have a powerful bond with our sisters in the club, Makenna. It’s one we take seriously, and one that can be trusted.”

The words chased away any lingering doubt with regards to opening up. “Okay, well, I um, also grew up in a bit of an unconventional way.” She waved a hand in front of her face. “I don’t want to get into it all right now, but I was married at nineteen, to a man older than you, Cassie.”

Both women gasped.

“It wasn’t my choice; it was just how they did things where I grew up. Anyway, it was a very controlling relationship.” She stared at her hands as she spoke. The women may be friends, but embarrassment still kept her from making eye contact. “I had no independence, no ability to say no…if you get where I’m going with this.”

Shell scooted her chair closer then wrapped an arm around Mak’s shoulders. “Take your time.”

“Thank you. I hated being with him…uh, you know.”

“You hated having sex with him,” Cassie said. “Pretty sure anyone would feel the same way, sweetie.”

“Right. Since my siblings and I left, I’ve been extremely independent. A complete one-eighty from how I grew up. It’s the most important thing to me. Having control over my life, never living under anyone’s thumb again. Choosing for myself.”

“Understandable,” Shell said, squeezing Mak’s shoulders.

“Right, so uh last night when we were…”

“Fucking?” Shell supplied.

They all laughed. Tension dissipated, and Mak was able to nod. “Right. It was good…really, really good.”

“I can imagine,” Cassie said, making Shell hoot with laughter.

“You dirty girl,” Shell said to Cassie, who just winked.

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