Thunder (Hell's Handlers MC 10) - Page 79

Significant other? The only thing significant was that orgasm she’d had.

God, she had to get out of there before she did something ridiculously stupid like begging him to cancel his gig.

Or cry.

She stood, shoving her chair back so fast, Emmie shrieked. “Well, we should probably get going.” Nothing like depressing introspection and supreme mortification to get someone moving. “Don’t want to wear out our welcome.”

“Pretty sure that will never happen. You’re welcome here any time. In fact, I insist on babysitting more, so please keep me in mind.” Cassie rose as well, putting a hand on Shell’s shoulder to keep her sitting. “I’ll walk you out.”

“I got it, Mama V,” Thunder said, still holding a very content Emmie. “You sit and chat.”

Cassie nodded and sent Thunder a narrow-eyed look. What was that about?

He was walking her out? Why? What did that mean?

And why was she such a cliché with the mental questions?

“Thank you again, ladies.” Mak gave Cassie a long hug then moved on to Shell, who stood as well, her bump making the embrace a bit awkward.

“Give him some time,” she whispered. “This is new for him.”

“Not necessary,” Mak whispered back. “Much better this way.” Stepping back, she gave Shell a grin. Hopefully, her friend bought it. The pressed set of Shell’s mouth didn’t have her feeling too optimistic about her acting skills.

A solid fifteen minutes were eaten rustling up the kids, getting shoes on, and collecting all their belongings. Thunder kept Emmie entertained and having a blast the entire time. Then, he followed them outside to Mak’s beat-up old car. She’d bought the thing for five hundred dollars and said a prayer of thanks every time the engine turned over.

“No Lee today?” he asked on the way.

Mak shrugged. “He’s still at his friend’s house.” Or at least she assumed he was. He hadn’t answered her texts that morning and was supposed to return home more than an hour ago. She refused to let herself freak out. Lee was secure with his friends. He knew how to play the game and keep himself safe. Knew to be cautions. He was well aware of what would happen to all of them if their father or her husband located them. He wouldn’t be reckless.

Please let that be true.

Lee wasn’t the best at making wise decisions these days. He could easily let something personal slip if he’d had too much to drink. There were a million things she should have done differently, could have done better to guide him through his teen years. Now she could only hope she hadn’t done him a disservice, and he had the tools to make wise choices.

“Everything good with him?” As though a seasoned parenting pro, he put Emmie in her car seat and fastened the five-point harness. Anything he did, he made seem effortless. It’d taken Mak a solid twenty minutes to figure out how to put one of the kids in a car seat the first time. He did it so fast, too fast, as it only gave her a minute to stare at his ass bent over the carseat.

“Yeah, all good. Just typical teenager stuff.” She may not have started the day as a good actress, but she’d be an Oscar nominee by sundown.

Or maybe not.

Thunder frowned. “Let me know if you need me to talk to him about anything. I was a teenage boy once.” Then he winked and flashed her the grin that made her knees jelly. Why did he have to be so nice at the same time he rejected her? Not one reference to their night together. Not a single comment about it happening again, or grabbing a cup of coffee, maybe dinner.

Those are dates. You don’t have time for a date. This is for the best.

“All set there, princess,” he said to Emmie before pulling his head out of the car. “I’m rolling out too. Gotta get ready for work.” Another wink and a wave and Thunder took off, jogging toward his bike.

If this was all for the best, why the hell did the thought of him taking his clothes off for other women make her feel so shitty?


THUNDER WATCHED MAKENNA’S old car rattle down the road before turning back toward the house. After taking two steps, he drew up short at the sight of Mama V strolling toward him. “Cassie,” he said. His brain screamed at him to run, but it was as though his boots had cemented to the ground.

“Take a walk with me?”

Instantly, his entire body broke out in a cold sweat. He hadn’t been alone with her since Viper’s death. Couldn’t be alone with her. What if she asked questions? What if she found his actions lacking? What if she thought he should have let Jeremy escape and stayed with Viper?


“W-what?” A metallic taste filled his mouth.

Tags: Lilly Atlas Hell's Handlers MC Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024