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Thunder (Hell's Handlers MC 10)

Page 88

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Resisting the urge to chuckle, Thunder shook his head. “Final decision is Zach’s, but I’ll put in a good word for you, and it’ll carry weight. You’d have to make it, though, and not blow off your interview. Zach’s a cool guy, but he won’t put up with bullshit.”

Straightening as though to prove how responsible he could be, Lee nodded. “Of course. Shit, man, thank you. This is incredible.”

“Give me your number so I can pass it on to Zach.” And have Maverick do some voodoo security shit to keep tabs on Lee’s location.

Lee rattled off his number, which Thunder added to his phone then grabbed some more cookies. “I’m heading back out.”

“Really? Where you going?”

He shrugged. “Out with some friends.”

Mak gave Thunder a worried glance. “Hey, Lee,” he said as the kid grabbed the doorknob. “You see anyone wearing a cut like me with a Chrome Disciples rocker, I need to know immediately. Okay?”

Lee raised an eyebrow and dropped his hand. His phone chimed.

“Just sent you my number. I’m not playing. You don’t engage, and you tell me immediately. Got it?”

“Isn’t that where Makenna worked last weekend?”

She nodded, chewing her lower lip.

“She in trouble?” Though already tall, he seemed to grow before Thunder’s eyes. Good. Kid was as protective of his siblings as Makenna.

Thunder didn’t want the kid to freak, just be aware. “No, I don’t think so. But they hate our club and can be dangerous. Be alert.”

Lee nodded. “Got it.” He opened the door, stepped out, then called over his shoulder, “Don’t forget to wrap it up, Thunder. We don’t need any more kids in this house.”

“Lee!” Mak shrieked as she covered her face with her hands.

Thunder chuckled as the door closed. “Least you know he’s thinking about condoms.”

“Ugh, can we not talk about how my eighteen-year-old brother is having more sex than I am?” She still spoke into her hands, so Thunder pulled them away from her face.

“Good idea. Let’s give him a run for his money instead.” He stood, drawing her up with him. They had a lot to talk about, and somehow he’d have to find a way to make that happen before losing himself in her softness. But that didn’t mean they had to talk clothed. “Come on. I need some skin.”

The way her nose screwed up in confusion was so damned adorable he couldn’t help but kiss the tip. Recalling the way to her room was easy as the place was barely bigger than his apartment. Once in her bedroom, he spun her to face him. “Arms up.”

“Wait, Thunder, we need to talk first,” she said even as she obeyed and allowed him to strip her plain blue T-shirt over her head.

“We’re going to, baby. Just wanna do it without all these clothes between us.” He shucked his shirt then went to work on his boots.

“Naked? We’re gonna talk while we’re naked?” She drew her sweats down her legs but kept her panties on. “Who does that?”

Fine, he’d give her the panties, but the bra had to go. He shrugged then flicked the clasp of her bra. “Don’t know. But ever since I saw Crank with his hands on you, I’ve had this driving need to feel your skin against mine. That work for you?” He pulled his jeans down.

“Yeah,” Mak said in a soft voice full of wonder. “That works.”

“Good.” He kissed her lips then moved to her bed, drawing the covers back. “Climb on in.”

“The kids…”

Shit, not something he had any experience navigating. “Do they usually come in during the night?”

“Sometimes the little ones do.” She crossed her arms over her breasts, and, oh how that wouldn’t do. If they were gonna do this, there’d be no hiding. “Let me lock the door. I’ll still hear them if they need something.” She closed the door quietly, then with a low snick, it was locked. For at least a short while, they were alone.

Mak shifted side to side as she bit her lip, watching him. He had no knowledge to go on, but she seemed to have very little experience with men, though she hadn’t been a virgin when he fucked her last night. These intimate experiences seemed so foreign to her, though, and he’d be lying if he didn’t admit the idea of introducing her to all the pleasures they could discover in each other excited him like nothing else.

Even something as simple as lying in bed talking. However, he was the one who lacked experience in that area.

After a few charged seconds of observation, she climbed under the covers on the left side of the bed then lay there, holding herself stiff. A smile played across Thunder’s lips. His poor girl seemed so far out of her comfort zone.

He slipped in bed then drew her into his arms. For about five seconds, she remained rigid as a board, but once he began stroking up and down her back, she melted.

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