Thunder (Hell's Handlers MC 10) - Page 98

Don’t you?

“Yes. At eight on a Friday night. But that’s it. You have the rest of the night to do whatever it is you do on Friday nights.”

He waggled his eyebrows, and Mak made a mock wrenching sound.

“Gross, Lee. I do not need to know about whatever girl you’re disappointing for the night. Just promise me you’re being safe.” The thought of Lee having sex made her cringe. Wasn’t he just a little boy?

No, he was a man now, and one who hadn’t had any male role models through his late teen years. And shitty ones the beginning of his life. Hopefully, working with Thunder and some of the other club members at the gym would refresh his memory on how to be dependable. Maybe some of the guys could take him under their wings.

His jaw dropped. “Did you just make a sex joke?”

“What?” Her face heated. “Oh, shut up.” Damn Thunder, rubbing off on her.

Oh…there was another joke in there somewhere.

Lee laughed and walked up next to her, where she stood at the counter. He slung an arm across her shoulders. “Okay, fine. I’ll do it.”

Thank God.

“But I want it on the record that I’m not happy about it.” He snagged a tortilla chip from the bowl she’d filled a few moments ago.

“Hey!” Mak slapped his hand. “Can’t you wait five minutes? Thunder will be back with Em and Kara, then we’ll eat.” He’d gone on a quick run to the store to grab a few things she’d run out of. The girls insisted on going with him, and he’d been more than up for the task.

Poor guy had no idea what he was in for. Emmie liked to touch everything in the store while Kara tried to add extra items to the cart.

With a grunt, Lee wandered across the kitchen. He rested his back against the refrigerator and folded his arms across his chest. Was it her imagination, or was her brother getting seriously buff? Maybe this gym job would work out after all.

One could hope.

“So, this is like an official thing now?” He asked as he raised an eyebrow.

“What’s a thing?” Okay, she knew full well what he was asking.

“Thunder. You and Thunder.” His voice took on a protective edge.

In the days since she and Thunder had decided to give this thing between them a go, she’d not yet worked up the courage to talk to Lee about it. The only man Lee had ever seen her with had been her husband, and that hadn’t exactly been healthy. She had no idea what reaction to expect from him. At first, he hadn’t seemed too fond of Thunder, but perhaps that had changed with the assist in securing a job he’d enjoy.

“Yes,” she said, propping her backside against the counter. “I’m not sure where it will go, or where it can go, but we are a thing.”

“Hmm.” He pursed his lips.

“Go ahead.”


She rolled her eyes. “Say your piece. Since when do you hold back your opinions?”

With a shrug, he stared out the window for a solid minute. As she was about to resume dinner preparation, he turned back to her. “I don’t get it,” he said. “Okay, some of it I get. You had a shitty sham of a marriage to a geriatric. You’re young. You want some hot, wild sex, and I’m sure the biker gives it to you.”

“Lee!” Not where she wanted this to go.

“But he’s a biker, Mak,” he said with true concern in his voice. “I know I’m a dude, but we left one male-dominated controlling-as-fuck situation. Why the hell do you want to stick yourself in the middle of another one? MCs aren’t exactly known for treating women well, Mak.” He was riled now, practically shouting at her as he advanced.

“Lee…” She kept her voice even and calm though her insides shook. He’d never yelled at her before, and even though it was out of fear for her, it brought back memories that shook her. She’d be lying if she didn’t admit she frequently worried Lee would inherit their father’s temperament. “He’s not like that.”

He threw his hands up. “Seriously, Mak? You’re the last person I’d expect to fall for bullshit, but you’re doing it. The fuck are you gonna do when this goes bad, huh?”

When it goes bad. Her heart clenched in her chest. Lee knew it wouldn’t last.

He took another step toward her. “You’ve got the kids to think about, Mak.”

Oh, hell no, he did not just go there. “I have the kids to think about? Seriously, Lee? Everything I do is for the kids. I’ve given up my life to take care of everyone.”

“Huh.” He lowered his voice and took a step back. “Didn’t know you saw us all as such a burden.”

A pounding in her temples had her rubbing the sides of her head. “That’s not what I meant, and you know it. I’m just saying that I do think of the kids. I think about all of you in everything I do.”

Tags: Lilly Atlas Hell's Handlers MC Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024