Thunder (Hell's Handlers MC 10) - Page 111

Not anymore.

He blew out a heavy breath, then spun on his booted heel and trudged toward Kristy’s door. No rest for the fucking weary.

The door opened before he’d even lifted his fist to knock.

“Shoulda known she couldn’t keep a secret from you,” Kristy said as she gestured for him to enter.

Thunder winced. That quip hit a little too close to home. Like, right smack on the bullseye.


Forget her.

He shoved thoughts of Makenna aside and stepped into Kristy’s house. The place was decorated as he’d have predicted. Bold colors, unique, modern furniture, and artwork that could double as porn.

He’d have chuckled if he didn’t want to throw himself off a building.

“Shit, Thunder, you smell disgusting.”

“Yeah, well, I just tossed my cookies all over the grass, so…”

“That much fun of a night, huh?”

He snorted. “Something like that. And it wasn’t Mak who clued me in. It was Tex.”

“Little rat,” she mumbled under her breath.

Thunder folded his arms across his chest and leaned against the closed door. You gonna turn a light on and take the shades off, or do I gotta guess what happened?”

Kristy’s spine straightened as though she was preparing to argue, but instead, she sighed and slumped as she reached for the sunglasses.

“Oh fuck,” Thunder said as he moved closer. With a gentle hold, he grasped her chin and moved her head side to side to get the full effect. Someone had worked her over good. “How’s the rest of you?”

“Sore as fuck,” she said with a harsh laugh. “Don’t think anything’s broken. Just a shit ton of bruising on my ribs. Enough to make it impossible for me to work anytime soon.”

“This a disgruntled customer?”

She tilted her head and pursed her lips. Thunder’s stomach dropped. Whatever she was about to say wouldn’t be good.

“Well, the cat’s poking his head outta the bag, might as well let him all the way out.”

“The fuck?”

She sighed. “This was Crank. He wanted info on your club. Info I wouldn’t pony up. Guess I do have my loyalties after all, huh?”

“Shit, hon. I am so sorry.” Thunder scratched his stubbled face as he ran through his options. Copper needed to know and fast.

She just shrugged. “Want something to rinse out your mouth?”

“Yeah,” he said absently. “Mouthwash would be great if you got it.”

With a soft snort, Kristy slowly made her way down the hallway. “Of course, I got it.”

Anyway he looked at it, Kristy couldn’t stay here. Not until the club was confident, she didn’t have a target on her back.

He turned as he shot off a text to Copper, letting him know he needed a sit down at the clubhouse in a bit.

While waiting for a response, he stared out the window. Mak and her siblings piled into her piece of shit car.

Where were they—oh, right. The daughter of one of Toni’s Diner’s waitresses turned eight this weekend and invited Kara to her birthday party. Being homeschooled, the kids didn’t often have the opportunity to make friends. Kara had been talking about the party non-stop. Mak had promised to take the other kids to an afternoon movie to keep them happy.

He’d been planning to join them.


He turned to find Kristy standing with her arm outstretched, a small cup of blue liquid in her hand. “Thanks.”

“You wanna tell me what’s going on with you and Mak?”


Her perfect eyebrows arched high into her forehead. “Hmm.”

Thunder’s phone chimed. “Copper wants you to stay at the clubhouse a few nights. He’ll have some of the Honeys take care of you until you’re moving better, and we can make sure Crank’s not coming back for more.”

“I like how you say this as though you’re giving me a choice.” She rolled her eyes. “All right. Give me a few hours to get my shit together.”

He nodded. “I’ll send someone to pick you up around six tonight. That work?”


“All right. See you later.” He walked toward the door.

“Hey, Thunder?”

He glanced over his shoulder.

“Thank you. And I know you might not want to hear this right now as something clearly went down between you and Mak, but I’m pretty sure that girl is head over heels in love with you. So before you walk away, think about that.”

“Appreciate it, Kris, but you’re dead wrong.”

He stepped outside, swigged the mouthwash, spit in the grass, then jogged to where his bike waited in the street. Tex was long gone, having followed Mak and the kids.

It didn’t take Thunder long to get to the clubhouse.

Copper was waiting in his office with Zach. “Come on in and shut the door,” he said after Thunder knocked.

“Thanks.” He took the empty seat next to Zach, across the desk from Copper.

“How bad is it?” Copper asked, his eyes holding the promise of retaliation.

“You know Kristy, she’s tough, but she’s hurting. Her face is all fucked up. Black eyes, bruised jaw, says her ribs are busted but not broken. She’s hobbling around but staying in good spirits.”

Tags: Lilly Atlas Hell's Handlers MC Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024