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Thunder (Hell's Handlers MC 10)

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Thunder’s face danced in her mind’s eyes.

Yes, everything had been more than worth it. Just meeting Thunder made every single choice that brought her to this point worth it.

“Yes,” she breathed, though he probably hadn’t intended she answer. “It was so worth it.”

She inhaled what would be her last breath on earth and squeezed her eyes tight.

I’m sorry, Thunder. I never meant to hurt you. I love you.

She trembled like a leaf clinging to a tree in a ferocious storm.

Hopefully, both the kids and Thunder knew how much she loved them and hadn’t wanted to leave. How she tried so hard to keep this very moment from happening. Hopefully they felt her lo—

The deafening crack of the gun had her entire body jolting and lurching backward. Her bottom hit the ground with a bone-jarring thud as wetness splattered across her arms and neck. Pain shot from her tailbone up her spine, ripping a gasp from her at the same time a loud thud crashed right in front of her.

I’m alive. I’m alive.

Her eyes flew open to find Thunder standing at the door, his pistol dangling from his hand. “Makenna!” he shouted as he rushed her.

She scrambled halfway to her feet when he reached her and yanked her flush against his body.

“Jesus fucking Christ,” he said, as he squeezed her so tight, she squeaked. Then he gripped her shoulders and peeled her away. “Are you okay?” His hands roamed up and down her body, patting and trembling. “There’s blood. Are you hurt anywhere?”

“I-I’m okay,” she whispered, throat tight. She tried to suck in air, but it stuck in her windpipe, making a high-pitched whistle. “I’m okay. N-not hurt. I-It’s not m-mine.” Another whistle and failed inhalation. Her chest felt tight, head light and whirling. “Y-you s-s-saved me. T-the k-kids?” Each word became harder to pass through her lips.

“Fuck. Slow, breathe slow, baby.” His hands returned to her shoulders where he rubbed in deep circles. “In, two, three, four.”

She tried to follow his lead, but the air hitched and stuttered.

“Now hold, two, three, four. And out, two, three, four. Good, baby. Again.”

Once they’d done it a half a dozen times, her chest finally loosened enough to draw in oxygen and chase away the dizziness. “I’m o-okay,” she said, gulping air like it tasted delicious.

“You’re amazing.” He dragged her to him once again, smothering her in his fierce embrace. “The kids are fine. Shaken, but fine. They’re outside with Kristy and Lee. Copper is on his way back.” He fell silent, burying his face in her neck. Then he whispered against her skin. “I’ve never been so fucking scared. When I pulled up and saw Monty slumped over his steering wheel, I lost my fucking shit. Thought I was gonna have to knock Lee out to keep him from charging in here.”

Mak gasped. “Monty! Is he okay?”

Nodding, Thunder wrapped her even tighter. “Yes. He was hit in the shoulder and the hip through the car door. An ambulance is on the way.”

God, he’d been hurt because of her.

“I’m c-cold,” she said as chills racked her body and visibly shook her.

“I know, baby.” He kissed the curve of her neck. “It’s adrenalin.”

“My, um, my f-father.” She started to turn her head, but he cupped the back and held her immobile.

“Don’t look. You don’t need to see that. He’s dead. I shot him through the side of his head. There’s no chance he’s coming back. The sheriff called Copper about five minutes ago. One of the dead men is a Roger Caldwell. You’re free, Mak. You and the kids are all free.”


The most incredible word. No more looking over their shoulder. No more fear of retaliation. No more sleepless nights afraid to drift off only to be woken by the sound of gunfire.

Mak’s eyelids fluttered shut as she blew out a choppy breath. “Thank you,” she whispered.

He tilted her face up and kissed her. “I love you.”

A strangled sound left her throat. As her body came down from the height of terror, she was losing control of her emotions. “I l-love you too,” she said as the battle to remain tearless became a futile one.

“Shhh, it’s okay.” He rubbed her back. “Let it out, babe, and know it’s the last time you’ll ever have to cry like this.”

Everything came pouring out of her at that moment. All the fear, stress, anxiety, struggling, and now elation. The emotions jumbled together in an overwhelming attack on her system. The intense feelings had nowhere to go but streaming from her eyes in a torrent of hard-earned tears.

Thunder held her through it, rocking side to side and whispering sweet nonsense in her ear. After long minutes, she began to settle, with only the occasional hiccup or choked breath.

The distant whir of sirens had her stiffening in his arms. She lifted her head. Her face had to be an absolute disaster. “T-They’re going to link me to them.” Panic gripped her throat. “Oh my God, what do I do?”

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