Thunder (Hell's Handlers MC 10) - Page 131

And now they’d officially be living together.

Life didn’t get much more perfect than this.

“Better get used to it, guys. I plan to do this all the time. Close your eyes if you can’t handle it.” He tugged Mak’s hair, tilting her head back, then planted a wet one on her.

The girls all shrieked their horror then scattered to their new rooms.

“Mmm,” he said against her mouth. “Alone at last.” Then he went back for more of her sweetness. She’d long ago lost any shyness and now took what she wanted, meeting his tongue with bold strokes and teasing flicks.

“Ewwww, gross!” Emmie giggled then barreled into their legs, almost taking them both out. “You’re bisgusting!”

Lee chuckled as he walked in, then scooped up the youngest of the bunch. “She has a point, guys. You have a room. With a door. That locks.”

Thunder snorted. “I’ll tell you what I told the rest of em.” He hugged Mak close, plastering her back to his front. “Get used to it.”

“So that means I get to act the same way when I bring my girlfriend over, right?”

Thunder shrugged. “Sure. Why not?”

Mak’s palm hit his chest in a less than gentle slap. “Uh, no! You cannot.”

“Ow!” What was that for? He rubbed his sore nipple.

She scowled up at him, then turned it to her brother. “That was for suggesting Lee can make out with his girlfriend around the house where all the kids can see. It’s not appropriate.”

Lee snorted. “But it’s appropriate for you.”

Thunder kissed the top of her head then nodded at Lee over her.

“Uh, yes. We are in a committed relationship, and we love each other,” she said, voice full of the sass he loved.

Lee snorted. “I’m committed to my girl.”

“Yeah, for this week,” Mak shot back.

Thunder would have given her a high five for the quick comeback if they were in the right position for it.

“Plus, we pay for the house, so we make the rules.”

Thunder rested his chin on Mak’s head as the two of them went back and forth with their sibling bickering. He stuck his tongue out at Emmie, who mimicked the move with another round of those sweet giggles. He’d do just about anything for that sound, not that it was hard to elicit from her. The girl laughed at anything and everything.

Crossing his eyes, he did it again. Emmie clapped and tried to copy it, but her cute little baby blues just went in all different and wacky directions.

As he chuckled, the rest of the clan made their way into the room.

“I’m hungry!” Rissa announced.

Mak snorted. “What else is new?”

Rissa shrugged. “I’m growing. Plus, we did a lot of work today.”

“Seriously,” Lee agreed. “I’m freakin’ starved.”

As a heated argument over what to eat for dinner erupted, Thunder remained quiet and took it all in. He didn’t give a fuck what they ate.

Instead of joining in the debate, he absorbed the reality of his new life. A complete one-eighty from how he’d been living only a few months ago, he now felt full in ways he’d never thought possible.

His heart nearly burst whenever one of the kids came to him for help or gave him a spontaneous hug. Last night Emmie refused to hear a bedtime story from anyone but him, and he’d nearly melted on the spot. Never had he imagined himself a family man, but it turned out to be exactly who he was. He had as much fun staying in and watching a cheesy movie with the little girls as he did partying with his brothers.

Though nothing compared to the nights he had Makenna to himself. Those passion-filled evenings were everything, and he’d never take them for granted. He’d never take one second of his time with her for granted.

Witnessing her almost lose her life ensured he would cherish every single second with his woman and his new loud, crazy, loving family.

Mak looked up at him with a half-grin. “Regretting your life choices yet?” she asked. It came out with a chuckle, but he could tell she half worried he’d find living with all of them too much.

“Never,” he whispered. Who would regret the best thing to ever happen to them?

IT’D TAKEN A very lengthy and heated debate to settle on pizza for dinner. Then, of course, once that had been decided, they needed to figure out what kind of pizza they wanted.

This bunch could turn anything into an argument and seemed to do so with pleasure. Mak was used to it but always worried the reality of living with a hoard of unruly kids and teens would prove to be too much for Thunder.

Izzy had given her a slightly hard slap upside the head and scolded her when she’d mentioned it at a girls’ night. “You’re not being fair to him,” she said, eyes narrowed. “Actually, you’re kinda being a bitch.” The woman did not mince words.

Tags: Lilly Atlas Hell's Handlers MC Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024