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Thunder (Hell's Handlers MC 10)

Page 134

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As the three of them chatted, Copper rested against the back of his chair and let his gaze drift to his daughter. Somehow in the past decade and a half, the adorable girl with the chubby cheeks and strawberry-blond pigtails had turned into an independent, strong, and beautiful woman. Aside from the red tinge in her hair, she looked so much like her mother, yet had a temper in her that clearly came from his bloodline.

Shit, he must be in a mood because as he scanned the room, his chest swelled and tightened with powerful emotions. This club, this rag-tag piecemeal family he’d created over the years meant more to him than they could ever know. He’d give his life for anyone of his brothers and knew without a doubt they felt the same. Blood didn’t make family, choice did, and the bonds his chosen family had created were unbreakable.

Around him, kids of all ages ran amuck, laughing and having a blast. His club brothers and their ol’ ladies danced, ate, and drank in celebration of his wife’s fortieth birthday. So many times over the years, he’d wondered if the club would ever get to this point of prolonged peace and happiness.

But it seemed they’d made it. The years hadn’t been all sunshine and rainbows, but his family had prevailed, and life was pretty damn close to perfect now. His gaze shifted back to his daughter, who practically shot hearts from her eyes to Lee.

Close, but not quite perfect.

Another elbow ramming his gut had him grunting. “Watch those bony wings, babe.”

“Oh, that wasn’t an accident.” She gave him her sweetest, most innocent grin, and he had no choice but to kiss it off her face.

Beth groaned. “You’d think my parents would be over making out with each other every chance they get, but nope. They’re just as gross now as they were when I was little.”

With a snort, Copper drew away from his red-faced wife. “Go get your mother a refill,” he said, shoving Shell’s wine glass toward Beth. “I wanna make a toast.”

“You sit, babe. I got it.” Lee put his hand on Beth’s shoulder as he stood and reached for the empty glass.

Hmm, gentlemanly. Fine, he got one point for that.

“Thanks, Lee.” Beth gazed up at him with fucking dopey eyes.

“You’re scowling,” Shell whispered.

Goddammed right he was.

“Can’t help it. You got any idea what an unmarried thirty-three-year-old biker gets up to in his spare time?” he whispered back.

Shell’s head fell back, and a loud laugh left her. The smooth line of her throat called to him. He had a sudden urge to run his wife upstairs and celebrate the rest of her birthday in private.

“No, Copper, I don’t know anything about bikers. Please fill me in.” Her eyes leaked tears from laughter.

“Smartass,” he said, giving her firm ass a pinch. She squealed and laughed harder.

Across the table, Beth rolled her eyes as she tossed her long reddish blond hair over her shoulder. Nothing new for her.

A few moments later, Lee returned and set the glass in front of Shell.

“Thank you so much, Lee,” she said, wiping her eyes. “Whew, that was good.”

Copper grunted. “Keep laughing, woman. We’ll see how well that turns out for you later.”

His wife’s eyes darkened with lust and he couldn’t resist kissing her again. Fuck. Whose idea was this party anyway? And how rude was it for the guest of honor to leave less than an hour in? Because he really wanted to get his wife home for a private celebration.

Oh, right, it’d been Beth’s idea. The daughter across the table currently making vomiting noises. He turned his head. “You shut your trap,” he said, pointing at his daughter. “Or your boyfriend will be spending the next month on the road.”

Her jaw dropped. “You wouldn’t.”

Finally, Copper had a leg up. “Oh, but I would, daughter of mine.”

Lee didn’t look the least bit concerned as he whispered something in Beth’s ear.

Copper stood, taking Shell with him. He set her on her feet and wrapped an arm around her shoulders. “Listen up!” he called out. “This won’t take long.”

The DJ cut the music, and everyone partying began to return to their tables to retrieve their drinks.

“We are so lucky,” Shell whispered, voice cracking.

He glanced down at his wife, who was staring up at him with so much love in her gaze, his chest ached. Lucky didn’t begin to cover it.

Together they looked out over their kingdom. Over the people they loved. How had they—how had he—gotten so goddammed fortunate in his life? He didn’t deserve this wonderful family life he had, but the urge to make sure each and every one of his family members knew how important they were hit strong.

He cleared his suddenly thick throat. “Just want to take a quick second to thank you all for coming out to celebrate the woman who—” Shit, his throat clogged again, and he wasn’t sure he could finish.

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