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Zach (Hell's Handlers MC 1)

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Made Zach’s stomach turn to think of Toni going through that. Not because he was ashamed of her or her past. Fuck no. But because the thought of her being used, of her childhood need for love and affection being exploited like that made him want to toss a match at the place and watch it fucking burn.

With everyone inside.

“All right,” Copper said through the com. He was not the type of president to sit on the sidelines. “Let’s move in. Like we planned. Wait until the guards move to the back of the roof. Zach, Rocket, Jig, Screw, and Dope, you five head in and get to the basement.”

Toni had sketched out as much of the interior layout as she could remember. Most of her time spent there she’d been wasted or high, so her memory was fuzzy, but she recalled the way to the basement.

A basement she’d seen Shark and his piece of shit cronies coming out of bloodied on more than one occasion. Looked like the house was used for more than just the Dragons’ fuckfests.

Probably where Mav was being held.

If he was there at all.

He had to be. There weren’t any other leads. So, if Maverick wasn’t there, they were all fucked.

The five chosen men inched their way out of the woods and toward the dark cabin. The other five stayed scattered at the edges of the woods, backup in case it all went to shit. Which there was a very high possibility of. They’d specifically chosen to go in the middle of the night because of the potential for fewer Dragons being present.

As he made his way toward the side door Toni had described, the back of Zach’s neck itched. Never one to ignore his gut, he checked his six before continuing. The heebie-jeeebies had to be coming from knowing Toni was nearby, waiting. Sure, she was guarded by a prospect, but Zach hadn’t wanted her anywhere near this shit.

She’d threatened to castrate them all if they shuttled her home. Zach hadn’t cared. He’d give up his dick and each of his brother’s dicks to keep her away from any more of this shit, but Copper had overruled and said she could wait in the truck parked a mile out of the woods.

As pissed as he’d been, Toni’s triumphant grin made him laugh.

He was fucked in the head where she was concerned.

Nodding to Rocket, who reached the door first, Zach checked his surroundings once again.

Something wasn’t right. It was no longer a little scratch at the back of his neck, now it was full-on dragon-lady nails raking over his skin.

Rocket gave a quick shake of his head and started to inch away from the door.


He felt it too.

Together, they silently circled the building. Neither rooftop guard was in sight when they came around to the front.

As he turned to check behind him once again, Zach’s sight bloomed-out. Everything in his entire field of vision turned bright green.

Which could only mean one thing.

Someone turned on some lights.

They were fucking outed.

In one simultaneous move, Zach ripped his head gear off with one hand and raised his rifle toward the roof with the other while backing away as quickly as his legs would carry him. About fifteen feet away, Rocket did the same.

He could hear the muttered curses of the rest of his brothers, all reversing toward the woods, weapons at the ready.

Giant flood lights illuminated the open space between the woods and the cabin, making it as bright as fucking day.

The two guards on the roof stood at the edge of the building with their guns trained down on the Handlers as they all convened in the center of the clearing.

Zach’s first instinct was to take out the guards. Two or three bullets would be all he needed. As he steadied his rifle, a slow clap accompanied by a mocking laugh filled the air.

“Fuck me! You found me!” Shark stood in the open doorway of the house’s entrance. “You assholes cost me three hundred bucks just now. Did you know that?”

What the fuck?

Out of the corner of his eye, Zach caught Rocket shift his gun from the guards to Shark.

“Uh uh.” Shark tsked and wagged his finger back and forth like a parent scolding their toddler. “I wouldn’t do that if I were you. I got somebody here I think you’d all like to see, and my men have orders to shoot on sight should anything happen to me. So, let’s just keep the trigger-happy fingers nice and still, okay?”

No one responded, but then Shark couldn’t really expect anyone to. He just wanted to run his trap, show he was the big swinging dick in charge at the moment.

“As I was saying,” Shark went on. “Me and my men had a little bet going.” While he spoke, he pointed to the guards over his head. “I said there was no fucking way a bunch of dirty ass, shit-for-brains bikers would find my playhouse. I bet three hundred fucking dollars on it. Someone’s gonna pay me back.”

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