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Zach (Hell's Handlers MC 1)

Page 73

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He stomped around and yanked the passenger side door open, as well. “Seriously, babe. You’re making me fucking crazy,” he said, motioning with his arm for her to get out.

Toni scowled but slid from the very high pickup’s seat until her feet hit the road. It wasn’t her fault she couldn’t sit still. She was nervous. “Sorry,” she grumbled.

For the past fifteen minutes, since Zach and the rest of the men disappeared, she’d been bouncing her heel on the floorboard and drumming her nails on the dash. Yes, that probably got a little annoying after the first few minutes, but come on. If ever a situation called for a nervous tick, this was it.

“Here,” he waved his hand in front of the truck. “Pace or some shit like that. Just be quiet about it.” The kid couldn’t have been older than twenty. With a sexy black beard and thick black hair, he was hot as hell and Toni could appreciate it in a look-but-don’t-touch kind of way.

Maybe Zach was right and she should have gone back to the clubhouse. At least she could have tapped her nails in peace there. Or gotten wasted with Shell.

But she’d had to be present. She and Zach had driven around for almost two hours under her terrible navigation until a farm stand on the side of the road finally jogged her memory and she’d recalled the maze of dirt roads leading to a turnoff in the middle of the nowheresville that led to Shark’s old cabin. Once she’d identified the spot, Zach called the cavalry and had a prospect drive her a mile out to wait.

Very impatiently.

But she refused to leave until she saw Zach walking out of those woods with her own eyes. Hopefully next to Maverick.

“Tell me something about yourself,” she said. They’d left the truck’s doors open and it provided just enough light to see his face.

Special K shot her a look that said he ate nails for breakfast and wore puppies as slippers, so he couldn’t be bothered with inane chatter. “Quiet.” Hand on his very scary gun, he scanned the area all around their vehicle.

“Come on,” she said, trying very hard not to whine. “I’m going out of my mind here. If you don’t want me to start singing to myself—and trust me, you don’t want that—I need a distraction.”

He just stared at her.

“Give me something here, buddy. How about your name. Why do they call you Special K?”

His lips quirked. “My name’s Ken.”

“Seriously? That’s it? Your name starts with a K and you’re special? No offense, but that’s so lame.” Toni paced back and forth in front of the car, kicking a rock with her foot. On one pass, she got a little overzealous and sent the rock flying into the undercarriage of the car.

“Shit, woman!” Ken stalked over to her. “If I tell you where my name comes from, will you park your sweet ass against the truck and stop moving?”

Victory. At least she could listen to him talk instead of obsessing in her own head. With a tentative smile, Toni walked to the car and leaned her bottom against the grill. “Okay, I’m parked. Start talking.”

He folded his arms across his chest, letting the gun hang crosswise in front of his torso. “I have a reputation for being skilled at something. Guys found out about it and gave me my handle.”

She scrunched up her nose. “Well what is it?”

“Something for the ladies.”

Really? This was the perfect distraction. “That could be anything from holding purses while they use the restroom, to foot rubs, to…”

His lips curved in a sexy grin.

“Special K…” she muttered. “Oh my God!” Toni jumped away from the car with a laugh. “Please tell me that doesn’t stand for Special Kisses.”

The grin grew even bigger.

Toni slapped a hand over her mouth in a fruitless effort to stifle the laughter. “That is too much,” she said. Then she stopped laughing and thought. “What do you do that makes you so good?”

Ken snorted. “Not telling you that, babe. You think your ol’ man would be okay with me describing my technique to you?”

He had a point. Zach would probably flip his shit.

Wait. “I don’t have an ol’ man.”

“Whatever you say, babe.”

If she wasn’t so curious, she’d be pissed at his dismissive attitude.

“Just tell me one—”

“Shit, you don’t ever shut up, do you?”


“Okay,” he said, as he scanned the area once again. “I’ll just say this. Under four minutes. Every time.”

Toni’s jaw dropped. “No way! Every woman you’ve ever…you know to has come in under four minutes?”

“One hundred percent success rate. And the sample isn’t small.” He smirked.

“Well, color me impres—” A quick succession of three pops coincided with Ken’s body jerking three times. He gasped and brought a hand up to his chest. “Ken? Oh fuck! Ken?”

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