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Zach (Hell's Handlers MC 1)

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Oh, thank God. They were all alive.

When she was just five feet from being out in the open, she heard Shark’s voice and nearly lost her stomach contents. The rush of negative memories was so powerful, her vision blurred and a buzzing kicked up in her ears.

Shark was too dangerous. This wasn’t going to end well for the Handlers.

“No,” she said and stopped walking again. “I’m not going any farther. Shoot me if you have to.”

Her asshole captor laughed and grabbed the back of her neck, dragging her forward.

She fought. Kicked, screamed, attempted to bite and scratch, but it was useless. In the next thirty seconds, Toni blinked and realized she was now in the clearing, staring at Zach’s shocked and outraged face.

“Antonia,” Shark said, making her cringe. She hated the name since leaving him. He’d always called her by it. At first, she’d thought it was so sweet. Now, the memory made her want to vomit.

On Shark’s grave.

“You’ve made some new friends in the years you’ve been gone.” He was holding Maverick, who looked so battered Toni wanted to weep for him. “I see you remembered how to get here. The place must have had a big impact on you.” The way he said it made her think he was recalling the hours spent with her there. Hours she found revolting and panic-inducing but he seemed to relish. “But a few things have changed since you’ve been here. Like the cameras I’ve isntalled all over my woods.”

Shit. It was a risk Zach and the boys had identified earlier in the day. Had Mav been with them, he might have been able to do some computer voodoo and discover the cameras, or so Zach claimed. As it was, they didn’t want to waste the time finding someone else they could trust. So they’d taken the risk. And failed. What would happen now? Would Shark kill them all? Take them prisoners?

She caught Zach’s gaze just before he turned away. God, how she wanted to run into his arms. But she stayed still. And silent. Shark would not get to her.

“Okay, Shark. Gang’s all here. We get it. You have the upper hand. What the fuck do you want?” Copper yelled out. Toni looked around but didn’t see him. He must have been in the woods, waiting for an opportunity to take a shot.

Shark looked the same as she remembered except for the crazy in his eyes. He wasn’t overly tall, a few inches under six feet, and broad. Built like a rectangle, he had long blond hair that reached his shoulders and hazel eyes that, depending on what he was wearing, could look green as the grass. It boggled her mind now that she’d once found him attractive.

“Well,” he said. “I had a plan.” His gaze shifted from Zach to Toni and she shivered. “But plans change. I’ll make it very simple. A trade. Mav for Antonia.”

Her knees wobbled and threatened to buckle.

“Not fucking happening, Shark.” Zach said, the anger in his voice a living thing.

“No?” Shark walked forward, dragging Mav, until he was halfway between the building and Zach. “I guess I’ll just have my guys shoot Maverick right no—”

“I’ll do it!” Toni screamed. She’d survived Shark before and could again. This time, she had the Hell’s Handlers behind her. They’d come for her. Rescue her, eventually. The alternative was Maverick’s death on her conscience, and that was something she couldn’t live with. She’d already have to find a way to deal with Ken’s.

“Toni, no!” Zach yelled. “Fuck no!” He started toward her but Rocket caught him with an arm around his chest. “Brother, get the fuck off me.”

“Come on then, Toni. Let’s get this reunion started.” Shark stared at her.

As she walked toward Shark, she locked eyes with Zach and tried to convey to him that it was okay. She’d survive. She had a plan. Somewhat. When she passed him, he whispered, “Please don’t do this, Toni,” and reached for her, but Rocket held him firm.

“It’s okay,” she whispered and kept walking.

When she reached Shark, he said. “Get behind me.”

She obeyed without a word.

“Here’s how this is going to go,” he said. “Mav will walk toward you and Antonia will come around and take his place. You shoot my guys on the roof, and I’ll slit her throat. We’ll stand here until you are gone. If you don’t leave, she’s dead.”

Zach made a choked sound that had Shark laughing. “Guess we know which one of you she’s been fucking.”

“Hope you can stay on your feet,” Shark said to Maverick as he removed the knife from his neck. “Walk straight. No funny shit or she dies.”

“Antonia, after he takes five steps, you slip around front. When they are gone, we’ll go inside and get reacquainted.”

She shuddered and bile rose in her throat. She’d sooner die than have his hands on her again.

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