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Zach (Hell's Handlers MC 1)

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“Yeah, babe, they’ll get it done fast so you can open up. You might be thirty minutes late or so, but you shouldn’t have to shut down for the entire day.”

“Zach!” Toni yelled, clenching her fists at her sides.

He tilted his head and gave her an adorable grin that she was tempted to smack off his face. “What’s wrong?” He sounded completely baffled.

“I don’t need you to manage this for me. I’m perfectly capable of taking care of this myself.” While that was true, he’d cut down on the stress and time suck by at least a factor of ten. She should be grateful. She was grateful; it made perfect sense for him to be the one to coordinate this. He had the connections; he had the contacts. It would be stupid for her to turn down his help.

It was just easier to blame it on his taking control rather than say, I’m terrified because I’m falling for you and I don’t trust my judgment when it comes to men. Please don’t do nice things so I’ll become more dependent on you than I already am.

No. She would not be saying that out loud to Zach or anybody.

“It’s really no big deal,” he said. “I’ve got Rocket on speed dial and he doesn’t mind.” Zach shrugged. “Easy fix.”

“Okay, but make sure he tells me how much he charges for an emergency call.”

Zach snorted. “Sure, baby. I’ll do that.” His phone rang so he kissed her on the forehead and walked off, completely unaware she was about two breaths away from a nervous breakdown.

One hour and fifteen minutes later the floor was dry as a bone, the roof was patched, and Rocket had refused a single penny from her for this or his upcoming appointment to install a more permanent fix. When she’d asked his rate, he’d given her the stink eye and muttered something like, “Family don’t fuckin’ pay, babe.”


All a bunch of macho alphas who drove her crazy. It might have also been true that the gesture warmed her heart and gave her all sorts of fuzzy family-love feelings. By now, it was no secret to the club that she’d had a less than stellar family life growing up. Being so accepted by Zach’s MC family was a really wonderful feeling. She found herself wanting that connection as much as she wanted Zach.

They were getting ready to open, just thirty minutes late as predicted, when Zach found her in her office. “Good to go, beautiful,” he said as he plopped down in the empty chair on the opposite side of her desk, sending a thrill through her traitorous body. What woman wouldn’t love being called beautiful by a hot biker?

He looked delicious, as usual, in his leather cut and faded denim. His T-shirt was dotted with rain from helping Rocket, but thankfully the storm had waned to a drizzle.

“How’s Maverick today?” Toni had visited him twice and he seemed stronger each time.

“Better. Giving the nurses hell, but being that he’s Mav, he manages to make them all fall in love with him while he’s being a giant ass pain.” Zach kicked his booted feet up on her desk and crossed his ankles. “How are you doing?”

“Good. Good. I’m good.” Toni shuffled some already organized papers around on her desk and looked anywhere but at Zach’s hypnotic blue eyes.

“Baby,” he said, in a tone that let her know he didn’t believe her for a second.

He could read her so easily and it both excited her and scared the pants off of her. Which at least explained why she couldn’t seem to keep them on around him. “Really. I’m doing fine.”

“Ah, fine. Women’s favorite word and man’s worst nightmare.” He winked as he spoke.

Toni couldn’t help but laugh. He had a point.

“I’ve got an idea. I shouldn’t be any later than six tonight. How about I bring my woman some dinner from Vincenzo’s and we eat it in bed? Naked.” He bobbed his eyebrows up and down.

His woman.

There it was again. That phrase seemed to haunt her at every turn. They hadn’t discussed anything about their relationship, yet everyone assumed they were a couple. Assumed she was his.

She couldn’t be his. Nine-to-five, safe automobile, picket fence, sophisticated wine tasting parties. That’s what she was searching for. An alpha biker who worked with his fists, rode a Harley, and went to parties where people fucked against the side of a building was not what she was looking for. It was too dangerous. Too close to the past.

It was not happening, no matter how much her body craved what she’d only ever experienced with Zach.

That didn’t mean she couldn’t find it with someone else, right? Just because she was looking for a sedate and serious man didn’t mean the sex had to be boring, did it?

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