Copper (Hell's Handlers MC 4) - Page 11

“Fantastic,” she muttered as she grabbed a wad of paper towels. “Just a minute,” she called out toward the door. “I’m coming.”

Blotting her pants, she walked to the door. Whoever it was probably wouldn’t hang around outside the closed door until she changed, so she’d be welcoming them looking like she’d slobbered all over herself.

“Oh well.” She swung the door open. “Hel—oh, Copper.” The ache that had formed in her chest at his earlier words in the diner intensified, throbbing with renewed vigor. Man, those words slayed her. Sure, she’d known the truth of them all along, but without verbal confirmation, she’d always been able to imagine something happening between them one day. Now it seemed an impossible dream.

“Hey,” he said, hands in his pockets.

Why, oh, why did he always have to look so damn sexy? Life’s cruel little joke. A black Nirvana T-shirt stretched to capacity across his broad chest. Both tattooed arms seemed to tease her with memories of the way they held her against him the night before.

“What are you doing here?” On any other day, she’d welcome him into her home. Having him in the private space she shared with Beth was one of her favorite things. But the day had been spoiled. Now, all she wanted was to be alone, so she stood in the doorway blocking Copper’s entrance. Of course, solitude was impossible with a four-year-old and only three hours before she had to be at her second job, but she’d take what she could get. Maybe fifteen minutes of peace and quiet while Beth ate her snack would be good enough.

Speak of the devil…

The surprisingly strong pounding of little feet was followed by Beth poking her curly strawberry-blond head out the door in the space next to Shell’s hip. “Copper!” She flung her little body straight at him.

Vastly experienced with Beth’s exuberant greetings, Copper caught her as she flew at him. He tossed her up in the air and laughed just as loudly as she did. Then he settled her on his hip like he was born for it. Shell ground her back teeth together.

“Can I come in?”

She hesitated. Was she about to refuse him for the first time in, well, ever?

“Yes, Copper. Come in! Come in! I want to show you what I drawed for you,” Beth gushed.

Guess he was coming in. The smirk on his face told her he knew Beth was the only reason she’d granted him entry. She glanced at her daughter with her head now resting on Copper’s broad shoulder. As usual, she beamed at him like the sun shined out his ass.

Little traitor.

Shell stepped to the side as she gestured into her tiny living room. “Sure, come on in. Can I get you anything?”

“Nah, I’m good, babe. Don’t go to any trouble.” He settled on her couch with Beth perched on his lap. She rested her back against his chest then lifted his large arms and locked them around her. Beth was a cuddle bug by nature, and Copper was her favorite snuggle buddy.

He whispered something in her ear that had a sweet tinkle of giggles erupting from her. Shell looked on with hot jealously coursing through her blood. Jesus, she was officially the worst mother in the universe. Jealous of her four year old for the affection she received from an adult who cared for her. Pathetic didn’t even cover it. Yet, it was true. Aside from the anomaly of last night, Copper never touched her. If he so much as bumped her hand, he’d spring back like she scalded him. It was hell on a girl’s ego. Yet, with her daughter, he was basically a six-and-a-half-foot teddy bear.

The truth shamed her to no end to admit, but if Beth were anyone but her daughter, Shell just might claw her eyes out. Thankfully, Copper was never seen disappearing into any rooms of the clubhouse with the Honeys. If he had been, there’d be a lot of bleeding club whores scattered in Shell’s wake.

“So, what’d you need, Copper?” Shell asked, folding her arms across her chest. Acting unaffected was nearly impossible. Especially with the memory of being in Beth’s position less than twenty-four hours ago so fresh in her mind.

“Hey, princess, can you give your mom and me a minute for some grown-up talk?” Copper asked.

Beth wrinkled her button nose as though the idea of grown-up talk was akin to eating spinach in her eyes.

“Why don’t you run and get me the picture you made me. Actually, how about you make one for me to give to Uncle Mav, too.”

“Okay!” Beth charged off to her room, little feet clomping down the hallway.

The moment she was out of sight, tension filled the space. Shell should have known this would happen after last night. Despite her feelings, she’d always been able to keep from acting awkward around Copper. Now after ten minutes of affection, their entire dynamic had shifted. She should have been stronger and resisted, but his touch had been so enticing. And felt so amazing.

Tags: Lilly Atlas Hell's Handlers MC Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024