Copper (Hell's Handlers MC 4) - Page 55

“You have any idea just how smokin’ hot you are, do you, babe?” Hot breath wafted across her cheeks leaving a million goosebumps in its wake.

She giggled. Hearing those words from him was a dream come true.

“Ain’t playing. I mean it, Shell.”

“I know you do.” And she did. He meant every word he said. Always. Copper didn’t feed anyone a line of bullshit.

He slid his hands around her hips then down to grip the front of her thighs. Next, his lips landed on her ass. She gasped and tried to pull away, but he anchored her firmly in place. He kissed and licked over the globes, occasionally placing a sharp nip here and there. She gripped the shelf hard and locked her knees to keep from buckling. This treatment kept up until Shell’s arms ached and wetness trickled down her thighs. Who knew her ass was so sensitive and a little attention to it could work her into such a frenzy?

“Aiden,” she whispered just as he trailed a finger between her cheeks. That was an area that had never been explored before. She’d never been interested, apprehensive if she was honest, but at that moment she could have begged Copper to go further.

“Last night that sexy mouth sucked me off so good I nearly passed out. Now my name falls from those same lips. Fuckin’ heaven, baby. I’m in fucking heaven.”

“Think I’m the one in heaven here, Aiden.”

He let out a rough chuckle. “Not yet, but you will be.” He continued to slide his finger forward until it encountered the arousal coating her lower lips and upper thighs.

“Jesus,” he whispered. “All this cream for me, Shell?”

“Uh huh.” She couldn’t even speak with his blunt fingertip rimming her entrance.

Teeth scraped across her ass cheek once again. “You like this, don’t you? Me playing with this plump little ass?”

The finger moved back again, toward that untested spot she’d never been more aware of than she was in that moment. When he pushed his finger against the tight hole, she tensed for a second then relaxed as pleasure moved through her. Shit, he hadn’t inserted so much as a fingertip and the sensation was already more intense than she could have imagined. How would she survive it if he wanted his cock in there?

Another chuckle. “Yeah, you fuckin love it. But you’re not ready for more yet. We’ll get there.” Then he groaned. “Though your pussy is so tight I barely survive it squeezing the fuck outta my dick. Might kill me once I get that fucker in this ass.”

It was her turn to chuckle, but it turned into a frustrated groan when all of a sudden, his touch disappeared.


“Turn around,” he barked. “I’m fucking hungry.”

Disappointment lanced through her. She’d been seconds away from demanding he fuck her and he wanted to eat? Maybe she’d built his attraction to her up in her head, making it more than it was.

If so…that was embarrassing.

“Oh,” she said as she lowered her arms then rolled her stiff shoulders. She slowly turned and gazed down at him. Deep, dark green eyes stared back at her. He sure gawked at her like he wanted her. “That’s why I’m up here. I was looking for the waffle mak—”

His hands landed on her inner thighs, shoving them wide. “Not what I’m fucking hungry for.”

Shell squeaked as her legs were forced apart so hard, she almost lost her footing. “Then wha—oh, my God.”

He took a long lick up her thigh, gathering all the wetness that had spilled from her. He cleaned her thoroughly, driving her crazy as his tongue traveled closer and closer to her sex without actually touching her. Then he kissed up and down one thigh. Really kissed it, like he kissed her neck or even her mouth. Deep, harsh, sucking kisses that were sure to leave marks all over her. More wetness poured out of her, eliciting a deep growl from him.

“Copper,” she said. “Please…” Her head fell back, thunking against a shelf behind her.

“Please what?” he asked against her skin.

“Please touch me. You’re making me crazy.”

“Hmm. Think I like you crazy.”

“Copper…” She said it as a warning, in much the same tone she used to scold Beth.

He just laughed then said, “This better?” as he took a long swipe up her pussy and straight to her clit.

“Yes, yes, yes,” she said, panting. “Much better.”

“How about this?” He circled her clit a few times with his tongue, then before she had time to process the change, he sucked her lower lips into his mouth.

She cried out, hands landing on his head. Her hips jerked against his face before she had the sense to try and still them. Last thing she wanted was for him to stop because he thought she was too forward and ramming his face against her pussy.

Tags: Lilly Atlas Hell's Handlers MC Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024