Copper (Hell's Handlers MC 4) - Page 59

“Christ, this guy’s been nothing but a fucking thorn in my ass for too damn long.”

Zach’s eyes narrowed. He might look like a pretty boy gym rat, but he was fucking lethal when necessary. “Shoulda known when he went into hiding after we dismantled his trafficking operation that it wasn’t the end of him. Guy’s got a serious death wish if he’s fucking around on our turf again.”

Copper jammed his cigar into the ashtray. Just when the waters were finally calm and the clouds were white and puffy. “We need—”

“Cop?” Jigsaw called out as he rapped on the door.

“Jesus, what the fuck now?” Copper mumbled as Zach snickered. “Come on in, Jig.”

The door flung open, and a grim-faced Jigsaw stormed into the office. “We got a big fucking problem, Prez.” It was then he turned and noticed Zach. “Glad you’re here, Z, this concerns you too.”

Great. This day was shaping up to be a toilet full of shit. And he couldn’t even end it by sinking into Shell’s slick heat. No, he’d be capping the day off sipping beers with his fucked-up brother.


“Sit your ass down, Jig. What’s going on?”

Jig tossed an envelope on the desk. As club’s treasurer, he handled all the money collected from client’s debts. Most of the men took a turn doing a run to collect cash. If someone couldn’t pay Screw or Zach were called in, but most of the time that wasn’t necessary. The money was turned over to Jig who counted and logged it then stored it in a safe in Copper’s office.

Copper picked up the yellow package. “What is this? Looks like a regular deposit to me.”

Shaking his head, Jig said. “It’s fucking short. Second week in a row. Thought last week was an anomaly so I let it slide. Two though?” He lifted his hands. “Now it’s a pattern.”

Goddamn, could this day get any more fucked? “How much?”

“Five G’s both weeks.”

“Jesus,” Zach burst out. “You saying someone took it from your office?”

Jig’s expression grew thoughtful. “Not sure, to be honest. The guys drop their money right into the envelope. Got a clipboard with the amount to be collected and by whom. When they hand over the money, they write how much was collected. If money is owed, they star it, and I pass it along to you, Z.” Jig had been wearing his beard thicker over the past month, and it almost completely disguised the puzzle-piece shaped scar that covered most of his right cheek. “One of two things is happening. Either one of our guys is lying about the amount they’re dropping off, or someone went into my office and helped themselves to some cash.”

Who the fuck would be so stupid as to steal from the MC? The betrayal was grounds for having one’s patch stripped, which was a big fucking deal. “You talk to all the guys who did the pick-ups the last two weeks?”

Head nodding up and down, Jig said, “Yep, each swears they were accurate in their count and would die before stealing from the club. Not sure what to believe, Cop. This has me fucking baffled.”

Copper looked from Jig to Zach. “Either of you hear any chatter ’bout anyone in trouble? Short on cash? Fuckin’ ex-wife looking for more? Anyone using?”

Both men shook their heads in tandem. “No,” Jig said at the same time Zach said, “Not a goddamn peep.”

“All right,” Copper said. Fuck, he did not need this right now. “Jig, next week have the guys hand money to you directly. Count it in their presence and keep the cash on you or in the safe at all times. Get with Mav and have him install a camera in your office. Keep it fuckin’ quiet though. Don’t want to tip the traitor off.”

“I’m fucking sorry about this, Cop,” Jig said, averting his eyes. “We don’t figure this out soon, you can take it outta my cut.”

Copper waved his hand. “Fuck that, brother. Ain’t your fault. Never needed to police this shit before. Always been on the honor system. For years.” He rested his head back on the top of his chair and stared at the cracked ceiling. Killed him that someone, one of his own, would steal from the club he’d die for. “So we’ve got a thief in our house and meth in our town.” As he spoke the words aloud, anger began to creep up his spine. His family had been fending off attack after attack for the past year. Now, to know the threat came from inside their ranks?

That was a fucking betrayal like no other.

“What?” Jigsaw said. “Meth?”

Copper didn’t bother to move. “Zach will fill you in. Get the fuck out, you two. Need some time to think about this shit. Spread the word, next fucker who knocks on my door leaves without his teeth.”

Tags: Lilly Atlas Hell's Handlers MC Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024