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Copper (Hell's Handlers MC 4)

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Zach came strolling out from the back rooms of the gym. The employee parking lot was behind the building with an entrance there as well. He lifted his chin in their direction before making his way to the check-in desk.

“Looks like church is out. You know what’s going on?” Izzy asked as she uncapped her water bottle.

Shell shrugged and reached for her own drink. She’d never betray Copper’s confidence, even for her girlfriends.

“I’m pretty sure you do, and I won’t mention specifics, but I know a little as well. I was with Jig last night when he discovered the…discrepancy. This shit’s gotta be fucking with Copper’s head.”

After swallowing a cooling gulp of water, Shell said, “You have no idea.”

“This the reason you seem off today?”

“Part of it.”

“You know,” Izzy said, reaching out and grabbing Shell’s hand. “I may be a snarky bitch most of the time, but I can listen. You seem like your struggling today. Need an ear?”

She needed more than an ear. She needed someone to tell her whether or not to let Copper know what she saw and how to deal with the blowback. Could she talk to Izzy about it? Her friend already knew about Beth’s paternity. Maybe she could help Shell sort her thoughts and come up with a plan.

Izzy was a ballbuster, a real take-no-shit woman. Had she been the sixteen-year-old Rusty tried to blackmail, she’d probably have kicked his ass, stolen the video, ripped off his dick, and delivered it all to Copper in a nicely wrapped package with a big red bow. Shell couldn’t imagine Izzy ever being as afraid as she’d been back then.

And was right then.

She looked Izzy in the eye. As always, Izzy had her hair back in a flawless Dutch braid. The bottom layer was shaved which only accentuated her badass vibe. Even ten weeks pregnant, Izzy could model the workout clothes she wore. She was the epitome of sleek strength. “Actually, I could use some advice if you have the time.”

“For you? Always. What’s up?”

Shell bit her lower lip. “Not in here.”

Eyes narrowing, Izzy nodded. “So it’s that kind of conversation. Okay, ready to call it quits in here? I told Jig I’d find him at the clubhouse when church let out. We can talk in the car.”

“Yeah, that works. I don’t have to pick Beth up for a few hours, so I planned to go to the clubhouse after this anyway.”

Izzy waved the hand holding her giant water bottle. “Let’s go see your man.”

Shell smiled. Everyone had been calling Copper her man for the past few weeks. The phrase still sent a thrill through her each and every time she heard it. Would it always be like that? Or would the novelty eventually wane?

She almost snorted. It would certainly wane. Probably down to absolutely nothing when Copper found out he was her daughter’s uncle.

After a quick hug and hello for Zach, they left through the front entrance and stared around the parking lot. “Where the fuck’s my car?” Izzy asked. “Holy shit! Did someone steal my car? I swear this fucking parking lot is cursed.” A few months back, Izzy was attacked leaving Zach’s gym.

Shell burst out laughing. “We parked around back. How could you forget? Oh my God, you freaked right out. That was hilarious.”

Shooting her a sideways death glare, Izzy said, “I have baby brain, what’s your excuse? You came in with me, and you didn’t remember where the car was either.”

Rather than walk back inside then out again through the back door, they headed around the outside of the building. “Yeah, but I didn’t start screaming about being carjacked.”

“I was not screaming, biatch,” Izzy said as she led the way to her car. Once they were inside with the doors closed, she immediately turned to Shell. “Okay, spill your guts, girl. I can see something is eating you. Are you stressing about being with Copper?”

With a harsh chuckle, Shell rested her head back on the seat. “No. Well, yes, but that’s not what this is about.” She turned, giving Izzy her full attention. “I have to say it fast or I’ll lose it, so just let me get it all out.”

“All right.” Izzy furrowed her brow.

“Yesterday I was at the playground with Beth. I saw two men smoking a pipe—I think it had meth—across the park. One was Rusty. I should have grabbed Beth and run, but I was so shocked, I couldn’t move. Anyway, Rusty handed a huge wad of cash to the guy and was given a large parcel of what I assume was meth in return.”

The fighter in Izzy came out full force as she clenched her fists and tensed behind the wheel. “Holy shit. He motherfucking stole from the club and is using that to buy and sell meth.”

Looked like great minds did think alike. “My thoughts exactly, which were confirmed when Rusty spotted me and threatened me if I breathed a word of it to Copper.”

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