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Jigsaw (Hell's Handlers MC 3)

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He almost laughed out loud. As if Izzy would tolerate that kind of fucking. She was way too brassy for what he required. Probably needed the upper hand during sex. Hmm, maybe he needed to use her personality to his advantage. A few times of hanging out with her and her ball-busting ways and his dick was bound to lose interest.

“Good pep talk, brother,” Jig said as he rose to his feet.

Rocket watched him through narrowed eyes. “What are you up to?”

“Nothing for you to get your panties in a twist about. Besides, you seem to know everything. I’m sure you’ll figure it out.” Jig rapped his knuckles against the table. “Later.”

Just as he started toward Izzy, LJ moved in behind her and placed his large hands on her hips. She peeked up and over her shoulder, smiling as she realized it was him.

A hot flash of jealousy stabbed at his gut.

“Hey, Jig,” Rocket called after him.

“What?” he barked.

“Church tomorrow morning at nine.” Any traces of fun, teasing, or levity were gone from Rocket’s expression.

“Shit.” The air in Jig’s lungs felt like it was being sucked out. “He get another girl?” Fucking Lefty. The prick had been warned the Handlers would rain hell down on him if he continued trafficking women.

“Think it’s worse than that, man. Got some chatter from the streets about a place he’s housing them.”

Them? Jig’s stomach rolled. Could Lefty have a stash of women they weren’t aware of? The thought was sickening. “I’ll be there.”

Rocket nodded. “Good luck, brother. Better hurry before she’s swooning over those ten inches.”

Flipping his brother the bird, Jig made his way toward Izzy and LJ. “Fuck off, prospect,” he said when he was a foot behind them.

They stopped dancing and turned. LJ’s hands fell from her waist and were replaced by her own hands and a pissed-off look. Yes, this was precisely what he needed. The woman to give him sass and attitude. Nothing would kill his dick’s interest faster.

“She ain’t a Honey, Jig. Not off limits to me.” LJ clearly had a thing for her. How could he not? A light sheen of sweat dotted her forehead, and her chest rose and fell in a gentle pant. Minor exertion from dancing.

“Ain’t cockblocking you, brother. Just need to talk to her for a second.” That little half-truth would stay between Jig and the alcohol he’d consumed.

LJ rolled his shoulders and glanced at the ceiling before returning his gaze to Jig’s. “Five minutes,” he said, then pressed a kiss to Izzy’s cheek. “I’ll be back, darlin’,” he said. “Don’t let this moody asshole push you around.”

Izzy snorted out a laugh. “He could try.” When she raised an eyebrow at Jig, he felt a fist squeeze around his cock. What the fuck?

“Hey, prospect,” Jig called as LJ strode away. “I’ll take all the fucking time I want. Remember your place. Don’t see a patch on your back yet.” In reality, LJ was one of, if not the best, prospect they had. He was set to patch in soon, and short of betraying the club, nothing would keep that patch off his back. Still, it was fun to remind him he wasn’t quite there yet.

“Did you have to do that?” Izzy asked. “Wouldn’t it just be easier to whip it out and compare lengths?” Her tone was harsh, but a teasing sparkle lit her eyes.

Of course, her question reminded him of Rocket’s comment on LJ’s dick size. Jig was no slouch but, come on, ten inches? That was the stuff porn stars were made of.

“Would have, fighter-girl, but I didn’t want to shock all you lovely ladies in here. It’s not something everyone’s used to seeing.”

“Ha! I’m sure it’s nothing I haven’t seen before, stud. You should see some of the cocks I’ve put my mark on.” She winked and folded her arms across her body in a defiant stance. “Ink-wise, of course.” There it was. Ball-busting. And he hated it. Perfect.

“One time—” she continued, apparently not letting it go.

“Want to train tomorrow?” he said just to end her cock tirade.

“Huh? What?”

Finally, he’d stolen the advantage. “Train. At the gym. Tomorrow. MMA.”

“I get what you meant, bubba. Just didn’t expect the offer from you.”

He shrugged. “Zach’s been on my case about sparring more. Told me you needed to as well. Figure I’ll be at the gym, you’ll be at the gym, we might as well work together.”

She wasn’t very good at hiding surprise and was standing still in the middle of the dancing crowd. “Oh, um, sure. Okay. That sounds good. I get off work at eight and usually head straight there. Zach’s kindly kept the place open late a night or two for me.”

“Good. See you a little after eight, then.” Jig nodded and started to back away. “Want me to send your little boy-toy back over. That puppy is dying for a good belly rub.”

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