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Jigsaw (Hell's Handlers MC 3)

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Bringing herself back into the moment, Izzy hopped off the treadmill and headed straight for a matted area. Sitting with her legs outstretched, she bent forward and wrapped her hands around the soles of her feet. Damn, that felt amazing. She’d give Jig a few minutes to deal with whatever poison was invading his mind then go over and see if she could coax another one of those almost-smiles out of him.

Just as she was about to move into another stretch, Zach barreled out of his office, cell pressed to his ear. “Motherfucker!” he shouted. “Tell me exactly what the fuck happened.”

He quieted for about fifteen seconds, then picked up a spray bottle and hurled it across the room. When it crashed against the wall mirror, the top flew off, exploding cleaning solution all over the mirror. Thankfully, the glass didn’t crack.

“Why the fuck are you the one calling me and not Toni? She okay? Yeah, thanks.” Zach paced back and forth.

Izzy rose and glanced at Jig then Screw. Both men had abandoned what they were doing the second they heard the distress in Zach’s voice. They crowded around their brother, waiting for news.

“Hey, baby,” Zach said, rubbing at his bowed forehead. Whoever’d been on the phone must have passed it off to Toni.

Izzy’s gut twisted. She hadn’t known the other woman long, but the thought of something happening to her was sickening. She was already too attached to this group.

“You okay?” Zach asked into the phone, his voice taking on a softer quality she’d only ever heard him use with Toni. “No, babe, don’t worry about the diner. The guys will have it fixed up in no time. I want to know if you are okay. Any motherfuckers lay a hand on you?”

Izzy took a few steps closer but remained out of their personal space. Head still bent forward, Zach massaged the back of his neck. “All right, baby, I’ll be there in ten minutes. Some of the other guys might start showing up before me. Don’t leave LJ’s sight. You hear me?” Then he turned and took two steps away from his brothers and lowered his volume. “Fuckin’ scared me, baby. Yeah, okay. Love you too, Toni.”

He ended the call and turned back to his brothers. Before he spoke, his gaze flicked to Izzy. “I can go,” she said, motioning her thumb toward the exit. She probably should have left already, but curiosity and worry for her friend had gotten the best of her.

“No, it’s fine. Stick around.” Zach sighed, though it was more of a half growl, half hiss. “Diner was vandalized. Toni swung by to grab something she’d forgotten. Entire front of the place is covered in red spray paint. Says shit like “biker whore” and some threats against her. Godfuckingdamnit.” Zach violently kicked a weight bench, upending the thing with a tremendous clatter.

Izzy jumped but remained quiet. His brothers would take care of him. For now, it seemed he needed to rant and get it out.

“She coulda shown up while they were there. You have any idea what would have happened if these assholes walked in on Toni alone in the diner?” He stalked over to the mirror and rested his palms against it, staring at his own murderous expression.

Jig froze, and Izzy held her breath. For a second, you could have heard a pin drop, and she sent a quick prayer out into the universe, hoping Jig would keep his cool. Zach and Toni were in love in a way Izzy had never experienced, but Jig had. Zach’s fear for his woman had to be resonating with Jig in a soul-crushing way. She wished there was something she could offer besides moral support. Something bigger. Something that would actually help distract Jig from his memories and ease the worry for his brother.

“Shit. Fuck.” Zach ran a hand down his face. “I’m sorry, brother,” he said to Jig. “That was a dick thing to say.”

“Ain’t a thing,” Jig replied, but the words sounded forced, as though someone had to reach down and drag them out from inside him.

“I gotta get to her.”

“Right behind you, brother,” Screw said as he dashed into the locker room. He returned less than five seconds later, cut on and ready to roll.

“Shit,” Zach said, running a hand down his face. “I have to close the place up. And I made a fucking mess.”

Jig jogged into Zach’s office, emerging with Zach’s cut. “Forget that, Z. Iz and I got it. Just get to Toni.” With one hand, he tossed the cut to Zach.

“You sure?” Zach asked as he snagged the cut out of the air and shrugged into it.

“Yes, totally sure,” Izzy piped in. “Go be with Toni.”

“Thanks, brother,” Zach said, holding a hand out to Jig who ignored it and pulled him into a man-hug. “Want these fuckers’ blood, Jig.”

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