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Jigsaw (Hell's Handlers MC 3)

Page 69

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“What?” He tore his attention away from the woman who was taking up way too much real estate in his brain. Damn, he’d zoned the fuck out. “Sorry, no worries. We had enough guys to get the windows installed in a few hours. The house is good as new.”

Toni giggled and leaned against her man. “That was the question you missed five minutes ago. I asked if Izzy had any fights coming up. The girls and I were talking, and we’re dying to see her in action.”

Shrugging, Jig said, “Not sure. It’s not too often another woman wants to fight her, so her matches are few and far between.” Fine by him. Sure, she’d been a rock star in the ring, but he wasn’t in any hurry to watch her take a fist to the face again. Stubborn woman had enough bruises in the past few weeks to last years.

“Well, keep us posted. Jazz and I are dying to go. Steph, too. Haven’t talked to Shell about it yet, but I bet she’d be a go as well.”

Jig grunted out an agreement and did his best to pretend his full attention was on Toni and Zach while, really, he was replaying the soft smile Izzy had gifted Beth. It wasn’t one he’d seen from her yet. Maybe only reserved for children.

Children… Shit, did she want those? That was one thing he’d sure as fuck never be up for again. Losing his daughter broke something inside him he was one hundred percent certain could never be repaired. Being in Beth’s presence was barely tolerable, and he often bailed if she was too close. Didn’t matter she was one of the cutest kiddos he’d ever seen. Being anywhere near kids twisted his insides so bad he could barely breathe. It was only recently he was able to pretend holding her didn’t tear out his insides.

Did he need to make his stance on kids clear to Izzy?

No. Fuck no. He’d never allow a woman in enough to necessitate that conversation. Izzy got that.

“I’ll, uh, see what she’s got coming down the pipe,” he said. Were they still talking about Izzy fighting?

Zach laughed and turned Toni so she was facing him. “Think we’ve lost him.”

“You might be right. And I think you’re done with this game.” Her voice was coy as she said, “What should we do instead?”

Zach growled like a lion on the prowl then said, “I can think of a few things.” He worked his hands into the back pockets of Toni’s tight jeans and gave her ass a squeeze.

She squeaked then giggled right before Zach kissed her. Within seconds, the kiss grew heated. Jig gave them two minutes before they made their way to the room they shared at the clubhouse. It wasn’t often they stayed here seeing as how they both had houses, but they’d probably head there now and wouldn’t emerge until well past sunrise.

“Jesus,” Rocket grumbled. “I’m outta here. Unless you want to go a round?” He held a pool cue out to Jig.

“I’m good, brother. Next time.”

With a snort and a mumble about everyone being pussy-whipped, Rocket stowed his pool cue then wandered his way to the bar.

“We’re going too, man,” Zach said, coming up for air. “’Cept we’re going up to bone.”

Toni flushed and rolled her eyes. “To bone? Seriously?”

“That’s right, baby.” Laughing, Zach slapped her ass. “After you, gorgeous. I want to watch this sexy thing as you walk up the stairs.”

“Zaaach,” she whined. “Really thinking Jig doesn’t want to hear that.” She was so full of it. Toni loved every second of Zach’s attention, and the wink she shot to Jig proved it.

“What?” Zach asked. “He’s got his own woman now. He doesn’t want to hear it, he can do some boning of his own.”

A giggle erupted from Toni just as Jig was about to add his two cents. “Yeah, let’s see what the state of his boning instrument looks like after he calls it ‘boning’ in front of Izzy,” she said. “I’m pretty sure she could unman him with her eyes closed.”

“All right. Will you two idiots just get the hell out of my face,” Jig said, giving Zach a shove.

“Holy shit.” Zach slapped a hand over his heart. “That’s the second time tonight I’ve seen you smile and laugh.” Then he grew serious. “She’s good for you, brother.” After another pop to Toni’s ass, the two disappeared up the stairs, giggling and groping like teenagers.

Jig swung his attention back to Izzy and Shell just in time to see Beth leap from Izzy’s lap and pump her chubby legs as fast as she could in his direction.

“Beth, no,” Shell called out, her voice matching the abject horror on Izzy’s face. Both women stood and reached out as though they could grab Beth across the twenty-five feet that separated them from the speedy toddler.

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