Jigsaw (Hell's Handlers MC 3) - Page 74

He held her hair firm, taking some of Izzy’s control as he guided her mouth along his cock, but she didn’t seem to mind. In fact, she groaned at his rough hold and rocked her hips on her hand. Jig watched every move she made. The visual, the heat of her mouth, the strong suction, and her moans of pleasure had him racing toward orgasm faster than ever before.

“Fuck, Iz,” he said as she swallowed and squeezed the head of his cock just the right way. He widened his stance as his gut tightened and his balls drew up tight. “I’m about to come, baby. You want to bail, now’s the time.” He tugged her hair, letting her know what he meant.

She shook her head and grabbed his hips, sinking him all the way to the back of her throat. Then she swallowed again and sucked the cum straight out of him.

Jig’s hand tightened in her hair. Hell, he was probably pulling too hard, but as the orgasm hit, he lost the ability to control his muscles. He bent at the waist, riding out the spasms and holding himself deep in her mouth as she rocked his world.

It seemed to last longer than ever before, but eventually, he stilled and began to soften in her mouth. Izzy pulled back, a look of triumph strong on her face. Licking her lips, she rose to her feet.

Jig didn’t give her a chance to say anything. He kissed her, not caring he could taste himself on her tongue. Then, before she could react, he lifted her, carried her to the bed and tossed her in the center. The moment her back hit the mattress, he spun her and shoved her face down on the bed. She huffed out a startled laugh as she landed.

“You come yet?”

“What?” she asked peering over her shoulder. Her dark eyes tracked him as he climbed up behind her.

The picture she made was the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen. All that dark hair spilled over the tanned skin of her toned back. The generous, firm swell of her ass leading into long, shapely legs. She was worlds better than any centerfold he’d ever seen.

“Did. You. Come. Yet?” he asked in a harsh voice. Playtime was over. He was back at the wheel, and she was going to take everything he gave her.

“No. Not yet.”

“Good. I don’t want you coming until I’m inside you.” He ran his hand down the center of her spine, enjoying the little shiver that coursed through her.

Izzy chuckled. “You just came like the world was ending there, bubba. Guess I’m going to be waiting a long time for my turn, huh?”

Jig’s lips twitched. Little smartass. Easily dealt with. He cracked his palm across her ass, eliciting a sharp yelp and that narrowed-eyed look that stirred his blood. “Don’t even think ab—"

He did it again, and her breathing increased like it did in a fight. She was trying to control herself. Resisting the urge to give in to the desire. He reached between her legs. Completely drenched. She may not want to like it, but she fucking loved it. “Done with the sass?”

One terse nod was the only answer she gave before she turned her gaze forward. Not acceptable. For this to work, she had to admit she could give up control and enjoy it. He’d given up control for her a few moments ago…mostly.

Jig wrapped her hair around his fist and tugged her head back. She moaned and tried to pull away, but he held her firm. “You’re still a badass, Izzy,” he whispered against her ear. “What we do in here can never take away from that. I will never think anything less of you. But you don’t have to be tough and hard with me all the time. You can give in to this other part of you, and no one will ever know. Just you and me, sweetheart.”

He loosened his grip enough that she turned her head and met his gaze. Relief, uncertainty, lust, and compliance were what he read from her.

Pushing back to his knees, he palmed her ass and squeezed, hard. Even with just his hands on her, he was in heaven. “Why do you think I had you lay on your stomach? I’ll be hard again in two minutes looking at that ass.” Halfway there already, he couldn’t tear his eyes from the round globes. He leaned down and bit into the flesh of her ass.

“Jig,” Izzy cried out then moaned.

He did it again, then again until she was squirming beneath him and grinding her pelvis into the bed.

Searching for the relief only he could give her.

“Jesus,” she said, panting as her head dropped down to the bed. “I’ve never let—what the hell are you doing to me?”

“I’m letting you be you. No walls. No masks. Just you. Just me.”

Tags: Lilly Atlas Hell's Handlers MC Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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