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Jigsaw (Hell's Handlers MC 3)

Page 91

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“What’s it going to take to get you to leave me alone? We don’t get many bitches wanting to fight. You’re once a year winnings won’t be worth it.” The men he’d been powwowing with started to take notice of her, snickering like she was a little girl who had no business at the grown-ups table.

The chance was slipping away, and Izzy had no idea how to sway this asshole in her direction. “Okay,” she said. “What would it take?”

A greasy grin made him look like the perfect image from the sexual predator database. “Hmm…” He reached out and stroked a finger from her elbow to her shoulder. “I’m sure we can think of something.”

Revulsion rolled through her. She’d rather fuck a skunk than let this guy anywhere near the goods. Only thing that kept her from snapping his finger in two was the crowd of onlookers who wouldn’t take kindly to her breaking their boss.

“Got a bunch of guys here with me tonight. Each and every one will put money down on her. She’ll be the underdog. Anyone who bets on her will make a killing. We’ll hand over every cent we win if you give her the fight,” said a voice she’d know anywhere from behind her.


Izzy couldn’t move, couldn’t breathe. He was here. Supporting her, at her back. He’d been trying to contact her for two weeks. Despite her fears, despite how hard she pushed him away, he hadn’t given up.

Hadn’t abandoned her.

He was there. Warmth spread through her and, for a second, she almost abandoned the whole plan in favor of throwing herself into Jig’s arms. But she needed to see this through. Needed to show the world no one fucked with her and got away with it anymore. And if they tried, she and her sexy biker would be coming for them.

Mac peered over her shoulder at Jig. “You Handlers ain’t gonna come after me if she loses, right?”

“She won’t lose,” Jig said, his voice full of complete confidence and faith in her. “Put your hand on her again, and you’ll be going to the ER with your dick in a bag full of ice.”

Mac’s eyes narrowed, but he wasn’t stupid enough to cross the Handlers. “Fine,” he finally relented. “But you gotta pay the guy Slick was supposed to fight. I ain’t losing a fucking penny over this.”

“That’s fine,” Izzy said, bouncing on the balls of her feet. Yes! She’d been dreaming of getting revenge on that guy for weeks. Never thought she’d get the chance, but here she was.

“You got about half an hour. This fight is almost done, and there’s one more before you.” He looked at Jig. “Every one of your guys here better bet on her.” His gaze shifted to her. “And you better fuckin’ win.”

“Okay, great. One more thing,” she said.

“Jesus, what now?” Mac was quickly losing his patience with her.

“Don’t tell him about the change.”

“No, that’s not happening.” He peered over Izzy’s shoulder again and paled. Whatever expression Jig wore must have been pretty damn scary. Mac sighed. “You really got a hard-on for this guy, huh?”

Well, she wouldn’t describe it quite that way, but… She nodded.

“Okay. We’re done here. Get the fuck out of my face.”

God, she couldn’t wait to see the look on the asshole’s face when he realized who his opponent was. It’d be a moment she’d cherish forever.

She chuckled to herself. Maybe she needed some real therapy.

After Mac and his posse walked away, Izzy turned and faced the man she’d missed more than a starving woman would miss food. “Jig,” she said, voice breathless just at the sight of him. He looked so damn good. Black jeans, dark gray tee, Handlers cut. The scar growing out of his beard giving him that badass vibe he wore so well. Just one look, and she was almost ready to forgo the fight in favor of a quick fuck in the car.

He gave her a half smile that had her knees softening and her pussy clenching.

Damn him.

“Who is he? Saw him slam into you, but I’m guessing it’s more than that.” He didn’t move toward her, and her heart sank a little. She wasn’t sure what she’d expected. Maybe that he’d grab her, kiss her, throw her over his shoulder cave-man style and ravage her in the parking lot.

Not this polite, slightly cold reunion.

“Lefty’s guy who beat me up. The one who needed two other men to hold me down while he did it. Tonight, he’s going to find out how lucky he was to have those guys.” Already, the thrill of an impending fight zinged through her veins.

She kept note of Jig’s reaction to the news. Darkening eyes, clenched fists, tight jaw. But he didn’t say anything. Didn’t try to talk her out of it. Didn’t jump in and tell her he’d take care of Slick himself.

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