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Maverick (Hell's Handlers MC 2)

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“Shit, King. I thought it was bad watching Shark touch his-fucking-self. Please don’t tell me you’re about to whip your dick out.” Maverick kept his attention on her as he taunted King.

“You’re about to see me stuff this bitch full of my dick.” King’s hand was inching closer and closer to her panties. Somehow, it was so much worse that yesterday she’d trusted this man with her life. This lying, backstabbing, raping piece of garbage. Tears filled her eyes, and she wanted to close them. To disappear. But she kept her focus on Maverick’s solemn face.

“I’ve heard all sorts of rumors about you guys and the sick shit you get up to, but I didn’t realize it was like this.”

“Sometimes you gotta take what you need, Maverick. Make it yours. The world will pass you by if you just wait for everything you want,” King said.

“Nah,” Mav said, throwing her a wink. How he managed to sound like they were just buds taunting each other out on the ballfield she’d never know. “I ain’t talking about you doing the woman. I’m talking about how you need a few dudes in the room staring at your dick before you can get it up.”

Both Shark and King tensed, and King’s hand left her leg. Stephanie’s eyes fluttered closed for half a second as the moment of respite registered.

“That’s it, isn’t it?” Mav went on. “You may be fucking some bitch, but you ain’t getting your jollies from her. It’s from your boys seeing your dick. That’s what makes you hard, ain’t it?”

“Shut the fuck up,” King roared, leaving the table and storming toward Maverick.

Oh, God. Stephanie held her breath. He’d turned the attention to himself. Why? He was in way worse shape than she was. Why would he do that?

“Hey, man. Just cuz it ain’t my thing, don’t mean it’s wrong. What the fuck do I care if you boys like looking at dick? You do you, bro.”

King hauled off and backhanded Maverick across the face. A sharp cry was ripped from Stephanie the moment her partner’s hand met Maverick’s cheek. Maverick’s head whipped to the side so fast she’d have thought she was watching a movie on fast forward. He spat blood onto the floor then turned and gave King a bloody grin. “Go ahead. Take it out, man. I can look at it all you want if it helps you.”

King’s breathing snorted in and out like an angry bull. He glanced at Shark, who nodded, then turned back to Maverick and gave him the most chilling smile imaginable. “Don’t go anywhere,” he said. “Be right back.”

Maverick assumed an unaffected expression as King walked out of the room, but Stephanie’s stomach bottomed out. Something awful was about to happen.

It felt as though she’d just been tossed straight from a screaming-hot frying pan.

Directly into the fire.


THE MOMENT THE creepy fucker, King, released Stephanie, the pressure in Maverick’s chest eased. He’d never sit around and passively watch any woman be harmed but, Christ, when King’s hand curled around her creamy thigh. Maverick nearly lost his shit. It was probably a good thing he was restrained, or he’d have shoved that very hand straight up King’s own ass.

Stephanie’s petrified blue gaze met his once again, and he flashed her his customary grin and a wink. But it wasn’t fooling her. She knew as well as he did that their situation might have just gone from shit to shinola. Difference was, the pain train would be speeding down the track toward him instead of Steph.

So, mission accomplished.

Mav could handle pain. He’d been handling it since he was six years old and his old man came home piss-drunk and beat the crap out of him for spilling water on his bed. That was the first of many beatings from his sperm donor. Shit only deteriorated when the old guy croaked and Mav was shipped off to foster care. That wasn’t even the lowest point in Mav’s life. Not the first time he’d stared down death either. This time, though, he was hoping for a rescue not an ending.

So, pain was fine. But watching Stephanie get raped was not.

They didn’t have to wait long to discover his fate. King returned just seconds after leaving, a smirk on his face and a smoldering clothes iron in his hand.

Well, fuck.

Looked like the pain was going to be pretty fucking spectacular.

“What—” Stephanie began only to be cut off by Shark.

“You know anything about the Hell’s Handlers MC, Stephanie?” Shark asked.

Her gaze cut to Mav as though looking for permission to answer, and he gave her the most reassuring smile he could muster. He had an idea where this was going and what it was going to cost him.

And he’d take it. He’d fucking take anything these bastards dished out to keep them off Stephanie.

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