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Maverick (Hell's Handlers MC 2)

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If only he weren't in so much goddamned pain. He needed an orgasm about as much as he needed the drugs.

“I’ve called security. They’ll be here in a minute. They will forcibly remove you if you do not exit that bed.”

“Nurse,” Stephanie began.

“Don’t bother,” he whispered in her ear. “Never met anyone who needed a good old-fashioned dicking more than that grump.” He turned to the frowning nurse. “Look, my brothers will be by in a bit. I’m sure one of them would be willing to yank down your scrubs and toss you some dick in one of the empty rooms. What do you say? Might make you a little more pleasant to be around.”

Stephanie’s eyes widened comically, and she coughed while the nurse turned beet red and sputtered. With a huff, she turned on the heel of her white tennis shoe and stomped out of the room.

“That woman should not be allowed anywhere near someone who’s hurting. Christ, I bet the only time she gets any action is when her finger breaks through the toilet paper.”

A strangled sound came out of Stephanie, and she slapped her palm over her mouth. After a second, she gave up and dissolved into giggles. Damn, she was adorable when she smiled. And the sound of happiness bursting from her was music to his ears. And a stroke to his cock.

His lightness only lasted a few seconds because the bandage around her wrist slipped, revealing the deep, angry gouges she’d gotten from the handcuffs. He captured her hand and pressed his lips to her palm.

A soft huff of air left her, and her pupils dilated.

Steph was right, a bullet was too easy for Shark. His death should have been drawn out for days. Mav smiled internally; King’s death wouldn’t be so clean. He hadn’t mentioned it to Stephanie, but King had survived the raid on Shark’s house. Barely, but he was alive, and his brothers would keep him that way until Maverick could arrive and dish out some of his own justice. He couldn’t wait for his chance. The pain and fear he’d inflicted on Stephanie was nothing compared to what Mav had planned for King. A little MC justice on her behalf would go a long way toward calming Mav’s insides.

He leaned forward and pressed his lips to Stephanie’s head. “Sleep, baby. Your body has a lot of healing to do.”

“What about security? Think they’re really coming?”

“Fuck security. Ain’t a thing in this world that could tear me from your side right now. You’re safe, and you’re gonna stay that way.”

Stephanie blinked then nodded. Her eyes dropped closed, and she rested her head on his shoulder. Within seconds she was out cold, her breathing more relaxing than anything the doctors could have prescribed him.

He couldn’t wait to get the fuck out of the hospital.

He had a date with a dead man.


TWO DAYS AND a few growled threats from Maverick later, the physician declared Stephanie and Maverick ready for discharge. Part of her was thrilled her new biker friend was able to get her released earlier than expected but, of course, it presented a new round of challenges. Mainly that her FBI contact wouldn’t be arriving for another day and a half.

“Seriously,” Stephanie said as a woman named Toni wheeled her down toward the hospital’s exit. She’d visited a few times along with some other members of Mav’s club. They seemed to have adopted her into the family. “Just drop me off at a local hotel. I’ll manage perfectly fine until my cousin arrives. It’s not even two full days away. Between housekeeping and room service, I won’t have to lift a finger.”

“Fuck that,” Maverick grumbled from the wheelchair next to her. “You’re coming with us. End of discussion.” He dropped his feet to the tiled floor, making the chair stop short. “Get me the fuck out of this thing. Zach, stop pushing me, for Christ’s sake.” Zach, one of Maverick’s MC brothers, was wheeling him and loving every second of having Maverick at his mercy.

“Oh, little Mavy, you need to stay right here until we get to the car. Wouldn’t want you to make any of your owies any worse,” he said in a high-pitched voice meant for infants.

“Zach, stop harassing your brother.” Toni swatted the handsome blond man on his very round and hard bicep. She was Zach’s ol’ lady, which Stephanie learned over the past two days meant they were in a relationship. Not officially married but pretty much married in the eyes of the MC.

Toni, Maverick, and a few of the other club members had spent so much time with her, Stephanie never even had a chance to get bored. Or call the Bureau. Baccarella had to be chomping at the bit to find out more from her.

She never had a chance to obsess over the fact that Maverick copped to his club murdering Shark and planning to kill others.

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