Maverick (Hell's Handlers MC 2) - Page 23

Nor did she have a chance to obsess over the fact she’d almost kissed the man.

Or the fact she still wanted to kiss the man. More than she’d wanted anything in years.

It had to be nothing more than the byproduct of the intense situation. They’d faced down death together. He saved her from being raped. And she witnessed him being burned and tortured. Emotions were running high and were bound to get tangled and confused.

But she was a federal agent, for crying out loud. Emotions weren’t allowed to enter into the picture. Now she had knowledge that could put Maverick and his brothers away for life.

What the hell was she supposed to do with it?

Stupid question. She knew exactly what she was supposed to do with it, but the idea of passing the information about Shark’s fate up the federal chain was nauseating. But it was her job. More than her career, it was her life’s work. She’d taken an oath, and it meant something to her.

Bottom line, it was wrong. No matter how much better off the world would be without Shark. No matter how much taxpayer money was saved by the MC just eliminating him. No matter how many women were spared Shark’s abuse. There was a system in place for a reason. A system she was part of. One that worked if used properly.

Most of the time.

“Miss Little? Are you all right?”

Stephanie blinked and looked up into the face of the nurse’s aide who’d accompanied their unconventional group to the exit. A few moments ago, the aide had seemed comically intimidated by the mammoth pack of rough men in leather and chains, but now her expression was full of concern.

Stephanie’s face burned. “Sorry, zoned out there for a second. I’m fine.” She snuck a sideways glance at Mav, who wore a frown. “I’m good. Promise.”

Just trying to wrap my mind around sending you to prison after you saved me.

“We’re gonna grab the cage,” Zach said, slinging an arm across Toni’s shoulders as he tugged her along. “Be right back. Don’t you two crazy kids run off now.”

“Uhh, I just spent a few days as a prisoner in a basement. Not too keen on being in a cage,” she said, trying for light when really nerves fizzled and popped along her spine.

Zach burst out laughing. “I really like you, Steph. A cage is what we call a car. Promise there won’t be bars. Though for most of us that’s what it feels like,” he mumbled.

When the laughing couple left, the young aide visibly relaxed. Not that Stephanie could blame her. Zach was the enforcer for the MC and could scare even the most hardened of men. Too bad he also happened to be funny, playful, and clearly head over heels for his spunky and normal girlfriend.

God, she needed distance from this messed up situation. Distance and perspective. Before she started thinking it was okay to let what she knew slide.

“Here you go, you two,” the aide said as she handed a packet of papers to Stephanie and one to Maverick. “Discharge instructions and prescriptions. I believe your nurses went over everything with you.”

“We’re good, thanks,” Maverick said, struggling to his feet as Stephanie nodded.

“Sir…” The aide rushed to his side. As if he’d accept her help. One thing Stephanie learned about Maverick over the past few days was that he was stubborn as could be and didn’t take well to being told what to do. Unless the orders came from his club president, Copper. Then he hopped right to it. Copper must be quite a leader to have earned such respect from Maverick.

Quite a leader. What was she thinking? This was a band of felons.

“Don’t even think about touching me,” Mav barked at the aide. “Unless you’re planning to—”

“Uh, thanks for the paperwork. You can just leave him be. He’s not going to listen to anything you tell him to do.” Stephanie fired a quelling look at him, and he had the nerve to smirk and wink.

Just then, Zach and Toni rolled up in a dark SUV.

“Right, well, good luck with everything. If you have any questions, the numbers you need to call are in the paperwork.” The aide scurried off like she was being timed.

“Are you trying to get arrested for sexual harassment?” Stephanie asked.

He laughed then gripped his side. “Shit, wildcat, don’t make me laugh.”

“Okay, gimps, let’s move out.” Zach strode around from the driver’s side and opened the back door.

“Either of you want the front?” Toni called out the window.

“Nah. We’re good in the back, doll. This way we can make out like horny teenagers while you play mom and dad.” Mav shot Stephanie another wink, and this time she couldn’t contain her laughter. The guy was truly ridiculous.

And so stubborn. He hoisted himself into the SUV ass first, then scooted to the far window. The only indication he was in pain was the clenching of his jaw and a slight tremble in his arms. With multiple broken ribs and a horrific burn on his arm, the pain had to be off the charts. But he didn’t so much as make a peep.

Tags: Lilly Atlas Hell's Handlers MC Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024