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Maverick (Hell's Handlers MC 2)

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If anyone ever needed an ol’ lady, it was Copper. Someone to lose his burdens in each night. Someone to make the difficult times and occasional darkness lighter. Shell was that woman. The stubborn ass just needed to realize it. Usually, Mav wouldn’t be advocating for a man to shackle himself, but Cooper didn’t sleep with any of the Honeys and never brought an outside woman around, so he was already chained without the benefit of a wet pussy and a soft, warm body in his bed.

“We got a plan?” Mav leaned forward, resting his forearms on his thighs. The skin graft only hurt if he put direct pressure on it, so he was careful to keep most of the weight on the side of his arm.

If he’d been looking for a boner-killer, he’d certainly found it. One hundred percent alert and ready to help, his mind started spinning with all the ways he could lend a hand.

“We gotta tread fucking lightly here. Cops are all over this shit, but it sounds like they’re chasing their own asses. Screw’s been banging some chick who works the front desk at the police station. She’s a nosey little shit and runs her mouth like a faucet. Told Screw the cops don’t have shit. Lefty’s not even on their radar yet. Morons think the end of Shark was the end of the gang.”

“We gonna have a sit-down with him?”

Copper nodded. “Yeah, Zach’s got a line on where he’s been holed up. So, I’m heading over with Zach to pay him a little visit tomorrow afternoon. Before that, I need you to pull some security footage for me. Some lacky stuffed the girl into the trunk of a car in the parking lot of a Subway, for fuck’s sake. They got cameras aimed at the lot.”

“I’ll get right on that, Prez.” Mav could do that shit in his sleep. He wasn’t any kind of computer wiz, but he could hack his way into plenty of security systems. Came with the territory, or at least the less legal side of his security business.

“You want in when we visit Lefty tomorrow?”

“Fuck yeah.” Maverick had a special kind of hatred for men who used their size and strength to intimidate, abuse, and violate others. He’d been on the receiving end of that and it had nearly killed him. While Zach or Copper would be the ones to hand out any justice, he’d never pass up the opportunity to watch the show.

“All right.” Copper pushed his chair back and rose. He didn’t have much height on Maverick, maybe an inch at best, but was about twice as broad. “You can work on my computer in here if you want. I’m off to Shell’s. Something about a leaky faucet. Stubborn woman’s house would collapse around her before she took a dime from anyone. Least she lets us fix the shit, even if she insists on buying the supplies.”

Mav laughed and stood as well. “Like you don’t pretend to have half the shit she needs lying around so she won’t have to buy it.”

With a shrug, Copper marched toward the door, his long steps eating up the distance in three steps. “Gotta do something or she’d end up working six jobs.”

“You know, you could—” Mav started.

Raising a hand in a stop motion, Copper opened the door. “Shut the fuck up and get to work.” He was gone a second later, the door slamming behind him. Sure, Prez had to be sick as shit of everyone bitching at him about Shell, but that’s what he got for being an inflexible ass.

As Mav moved to Copper’s desk chair, he tapped out a quick text to Shell.

Maverick: Big guy is headed your way. Looks dead on his feet. Feed him and give him some sweetness.

Thirty seconds later his phone chimed.

Shell: Thanks for the head’s up.

Shell: And I’m always sweet.

Mav chuckled and sent her an eggplant emoji only to get a vomit face in return. He had the best family.

Hacking into Subway’s security cameras was child’s play, and within ten minutes, Mav was staring at the oblivious woman whose life was about to swirl down the shitter.

Jesus, it sucked to sit on his ass and watch, knowing what was about to go down. Even the grainy camera footage couldn’t disguise her beauty. She was gorgeous, capital-G gorgeous. Tall, curvy, with thick auburn hair falling down her back in large waves. She moved with confidence, like a woman who knew she had what men craved. As she sashayed from Subway to her car across the darkened lot, Mav’s heart raced.

Every instinct he possessed was driving him to warn her, dive in and save her, anything to prevent her from falling prey to a vicious predator. But of course, the tape was eighteen hours old, so nothing could be done.

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