Maverick (Hell's Handlers MC 2) - Page 102

She sure as hell didn’t deserve it, but somehow, she’d gotten exactly what she’d wished for. What she needed. A smile that felt like it was splitting her face in two curled her mouth. “I love you, Maverick.”

He kissed her until she felt starved for air then whispered, “I love you, too, Stephanie. Now take your top off then lie back so I can fuck you so hard the entire club hears us from downstairs.”


MAV WATCHED AS his woman pulled off her—actually his—Hell’s Handlers’ shirt and reclined on a stack of pillows. She wasn’t wearing a bra, and her perky tits greeted him with hardened nipples he couldn’t wait to get his mouth on. He fucking loved the fact she’d stolen his shirt and wore it against her bare skin.

Even when she thought they were over.

It was one more clue that her feelings were real.

Never a grudge holder, he’d meant what he said. They’d hashed it out. He loved her and believed she felt the same. He also trusted her. There may have been lies, but she’d proven her loyalty to Mav and his club with actions. Hell, she’d put herself at risk of arrest and worse while trying to protect him.

Putting herself in harm’s way to protect him was becoming a pattern, and while he appreciated the fierce way she loved and how it extended to his family, they had one thing to get straight before this went any further.

“Keep your hands at your sides. Don’t give a fuck if you rip a hole through the sheets, you don’t move those hands. Yeah?”

Eyes ablaze with desire, she nodded and curled her fingers into the white sheet. “Yeah,” she said on a breathy exhale.

Mav grabbed her knees and parted her legs enough to wedge himself between them. Keeping his eyes on hers, he unbuttoned her jeans and lowered the zipper. “Lift your hips.”

She obeyed, bridging her hips. Mav couldn’t resist pressing his nose to the junction between her legs and inhaling the scent of her arousal as he worked her jeans and plain cotton panties over her hips. Before she had the chance to lower them, he licked a quick swipe up her pussy then nipped at her mound.

She yelped and jerked her hips, knocking him in the chin with her pelvis. “Sorry,” she squeaked.

With a chuckle, Mav lowered her hips and yanked the damn tight jeans off her legs, tossing them over his shoulder. Then he crawled up her body and hovered his lips over her right tit. He paused, suspended an inch above the tightened nipple. Every time he breathed out on the needy bud, Stephanie squirmed. Eventually, she arched her back, bringing the nipple against his closed lips.

“Jesus, Maverick.” A frustrated growl rumbled through her chest.

“Something wrong, baby?” As he spoke, her nipple brushed against his lips. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see her hands tugging on the sheet.

“You’re messing with me.”

“Sure am,” he said on a laugh.

“Well, stop it!”

“This better?” He snuck his tongue out and circled the nipple again and again. Every now and again, he licked but never gave her the suckling pressure she craved.

“Maverick,” she whined. “Please give me more.”

Abandoning the nipple and ignoring her moaned, “nooo,” he dropped a long kiss to the valley between her tits. Then he licked his way to the other nipple and started the torture all over again.

“I’m not gonna survive this,” she whispered.

Mav loved her like this. Completely at his mercy, redy to beg, but willing to give herself over to his control. He reached his hands between her legs and swirled his finger around the opening of her pussy.

“Fuck,” she whispered.

“Don’t know what you’re complaining about, sweetheart. Your pussy seems to love what I’m doing to you. You’re soaking the fucking sheets.” He dipped his fingertip inside her, providing much the same torment he was giving her nipple. Just enough to make her crazed.

He had her right where he wanted her. Willing to agree to any demand he made of her as long as he deepened the pleasure and gave her relief.

“You’re not in the FBI anymore, babe. You hear me?”

“What?” Her shocked exclamation had him laughing. No doubt, she didn’t expect him to bring this up when he was about to fuck her.

“There’s no reason for you to try and protect me anymore. You hear me? Thought we sorted this shit in the hospital, but apparently you need a refresher. You don’t put yourself out on a limb for my club or me. I can take care of myself, beautiful. It’s my fucking job and my brother’s fucking job to keep you safe.”

“Maverick,” she said, blinking at him as if trying to get with the program.

He kept at her pussy with light, teasing circles, occasionally slipping nothing more than the tip of one finger into her. Between sentences, he lapped at her nipple then blew on the wet skin.

Tags: Lilly Atlas Hell's Handlers MC Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024