Barely a Bride (Free Fellows League 1) - Page 35

“Don’t sound so disappointed. You’ve a wonderful future as duchess ahead of you.”

“I had hoped—”

“For more suitors?” Lady Tressingham interrupted. “Of course, you did. All Incomparables do. But in this case, it isn’t the quantity of suitors that matters, it’s the quality. You’ve garnered proposals from two members of the ton in one morning. That is quite an accomplishment.”

“Mama, you don’t understand—” Alyssa began.

Again her mother cut her off. “Of course I understand. I was young once. But you mustn’t read more into it than there is. The men who have offered for you are all honorable gentlemen from old and noble families, but everyone knows Lord Linton has shallow pockets and is looking to marry an heiress with deep ones. And as for Lord Abernathy… Well.” She sighed. “Lord Abernathy would be the undisputed catch of the season if we didn’t have an understanding with His Grace.”

“Is it set?” Alyssa asked. “Has Papa accepted an offer from His Grace?”

Lady Tressingham bit her bottom lip. “I don’t know if the details have all been ironed out. But I know your father sent for his solicitor some time ago.” She exhaled. “I haven’t spoken to him about His Grace’s offer thus far because your father was still closeted with Lord Abernathy when I came looking for you.”

Alyssa let out a breath. “Then there’s still hope.”

“Hope?” Lady Tressingham was surprised. “For what?”

“That Lord Abernathy will prevail.”

“Lord Abernathy?” Lady Tressingham’s voice rose. “I don’t want Lord Abernathy to prevail!”

“I do.”

Her mother looked appalled. “You would choose to be a mere viscountess rather than a duchess?”

“I would choose Lord Abernathy over His Grace,” Alyssa said.

Lady Tressingham blinked, momentarily speechless. “A viscountess.” She shook her head. “You have obviously taken leave of your senses. Why? What have you aga

inst His Grace?”

“I’ve nothing against His Grace,” Alyssa told her. “I’ve yet to be introduced to him.”

Lady Tressingham grimaced. “You saw him from across the room. He was making his way toward us when Lady Cowper appeared with Abernathy.”

“I saw him,” Alyssa said. “I didn’t speak to him.”

“No,” Lady Tressingham confirmed. “Because you were too busy dancing with Lord Abernathy. Egads! But there is no comparison, my darling. Sussex is divine. Abernathy is merely handsome.”

“In your opinion, Mama.” Alyssa met her mother’s disapproving gaze without flinching. “I think otherwise. I think Lord Abernathy is divine and His Grace merely handsome. Besides, I’ve no wish to be the Duchess of Sussex.”

“I don’t believe it!” Lady Tressingham threw up her arms in a gesture of dismay, often used with great success in operas and ballets. “I know you’ve very little experience mixing in the highest circles, but that’s nothing to be afraid of. You’ll become accustomed to having people bow and address you as Your Grace in no time.”

“No, I won’t,” Alyssa protested.

“No matter.” Lady Tressingham dismissed Alyssa’s refusal. “The duke will help you settle in. As your husband, he’ll smooth the way for you and see that you learn all you need to know.”

“His Grace will have to find someone else to help settle in as Her Grace. I won’t need it. Because I don’t intend to become his duchess.”

“Whether you intend to become the Duchess of Sussex or not is of little consequence at this juncture,” her mother told her. “Because your father and I intend it for you. Believe me, Alyssa, once you get used to the idea, you’ll thank us for attending to your best interests.”

“I’m not going to be the Duchess of Sussex,” Alyssa said firmly. “I’m going to be Viscountess Abernathy.”

Lady Tressingham’s laugh was sharp and mirthless. “While it’s apparent that Lord Abernathy did his best to sweep you off your feet during your illicit waltz last evening, it’s best that you forget about him. I’m quite certain that your father has sent him packing by now.”

“Don’t underestimate Lord Abernathy, Mama,” Alyssa warned. “He asked me to marry him last night, and I don’t believe he’ll be as easy for Papa to dismiss as you seem to think.”

Lady Tressingham gasped. “He should know better than to propose to you without first asking your father.”

Tags: Rebecca Hagan Lee Free Fellows League Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024