Barely a Bride (Free Fellows League 1) - Page 72

She had failed. There was nothing of him left inside her. Nothing except the memories she carried. All she had was his name and the manor, and all she wanted was Griffin and a family. Restoring the manor would be all for naught if Griffin didn’t return to share it with her.

Alyssa didn’t come downstairs to supper or answer the knocks on her door for nearly a week. Sleep, along with pots of hot tea and brandy, eased the physical discomfort, and spoonfuls of broth from the supper tray Cook sent up each night and the pot of morning hot chocolate she sent up each morning kept Alyssa nourished, but nothing could ease the ache in her heart.

She needed time, Alyssa decided. Time alone to come to terms with her disappointment. Time to rest. Time to reflect and grieve for her loss. And when she was done with sorrow, she would write to Miranda and ask her to visit.

The rest of the staff quizzed Durham with questions about her ladyship’s health and her state of mind, but Durham was of little help. Alyssa’s lady’s maid couldn’t tell if her mistress had nibbled on any of the food on the tray Cook sent up or if

she was truly ill.

The only thing Durham knew for sure was that Lady Abernathy hadn’t left her room except to make use of the earth closet down the hall in days and that the reason for her sudden change of behavior was that her ladyship’s monthly courses had begun.

Realizing Lady Abernathy’s maid hadn’t yet grasped the significance of her ladyship’s withdrawal and her apparent sorrow, and that the maid would not be able to offer helpful suggestions for handling the problem, Keswick sent a messenger to Shepherdston Hall, seeking advice.

* * *

The staff is concerned about her,” Jarrod announced to Colin after reading the note Keswick sent from Abernathy Manor.

The two lords were still in London, but Pomfrey relayed the note by messenger to Jarrod’s town house with the news. Since Jarrod and Colin weren’t in residence when the messenger arrived, having gone to their club for dinner, Jarrod’s butler had sent the note around to White’s.

“You know Keswick, and you know he isn’t given to alarm, but Alyssa withdrew to her room and hasn’t emerged from it for any length of time in several days,” Jarrod explained.

“She’s probably just upset,” Colin said. “After all, she’s a new bride without her groom.”

Jarrod ran his fingers through his hair. “That’s possible, but somehow, I don’t think so. Everything I’ve heard about our new Lady Abernathy suggests that she isn’t given to fits of crying or bouts of withdrawal. She knew Griff meant to join his regiment, so there must be another reason for her behavior. Something that’s happened since he left. But what?” He paused for a moment, then began stating his case. “Let’s look at this logically. Griff married her. She’s Viscountess Abernathy, no matter what. And Griff deeded the manor to her and gave her a generous allowance with which to manage it.” Jarrod shook his head. “And she should know by now that Griff isn’t the sort of fellow to renege on a deal regardless of…” He snapped his fingers. “That’s it Keswick wouldn’t write of anything so personal, but that must be the answer.”

“What answer?” Colin demanded.

Jarrod shot Colin a disgusted look. “She’s failed to conceive.”

“Impossible,” Colin proclaimed. “Griff…”

“Griff is an only child,” Jarrod reminded him. “And it’s no secret that the Abernathys have never been prolific. The reason Lord Weymouth forced this marriage is because the Abernathys have been so unprolific. According to Griff, his father told him that he and Lady Weymouth have been trying to provide Griff with a sibling from the time he was born until now.”

Colin shuddered. He had nothing against Lord Weymouth attempting to give his only son a sibling or to give himself the heir and a spare, but Colin didn’t especially care to know that the quest continued. Weymouth was fifty if he was a day, and although still an extremely attractive woman, Griff’s mother had to be pushing forty-five.

“I mean, all you can do is work at it…” Jarrod shrugged. “And from what I’ve gleaned from Keswick, Griff did his damnedest working at it…” He tapped his fingers on the table. “So she must have failed to conceive the heir. Why else would she be so upset?”

“Unless she’s changed her mind about refusing him,” Colin speculated, nodding toward the Duke of Sussex, who had just entered the club.

“She didn’t refuse him,” Jarrod corrected. “His Grace offered too late. After Tressingham had accepted Griff’s offer. Alyssa had little say in the matter.”

“That’s not what I heard,” Colin murmured.


“We should have attended the wedding breakfast,” Colin said ruefully. “Because the talk among the ton who were in attendance was that she turned His Grace down flat there. She didn’t give him the cut direct,” Colin continued, warming to his subject. “Not Griff’s bride. No, she told His Grace she chose Griff over him. And threatened to shoot the duke if he didn’t stop trying to ruin her wedding day.” Colin gave a low whistle of admiration. “Just when you think they’re all cold-hearted mercenaries, they go and surprise you by telling a duke that they’d rather be a viscountess than a duchess.”

“I can’t believe His Grace had the ill manners to attend,” Jarrod said.

Colin chuckled. “Why’s that so hard to believe?”

“He’s had the benefit of the best schooling. He was taught better manners,” Jarrod answered, secure in the knowledge that one could always count on a gentleman to behave honorably.

“He’s a duke,” Colin retorted. “Have you ever know a duke who didn’t bend the rules of etiquette whenever it suited his purpose? Especially a bloody arrogant English duke?”

Jarrod shook his head before resuming their discussion. “Suppose for the sake of argument that she’s changed her mind. Suppose that after failing to conceive his heir, Griff’s viscountess is mourning the fact that she chose to become a viscountess instead of a duchess.” Jarrod frowned. “I admit that it doesn’t seem likely, nor do I necessarily believe it, but it’s possible and could also explain her behavior. Because she had everything else she could want and nothing to lose…”

“Except Griff and the child she might have borne him.” Colin looked at Jarrod. “What if all she really wants is Griff?”

Tags: Rebecca Hagan Lee Free Fellows League Romance
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