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Hardly a Husband (Free Fellows League 3)

Page 17

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"So you waited until she fell asleep, then crept out of the hotel."

"And came to you for help." Sarah looked him in the eye, then crossed the floor and reached for the doorknob. "My mistake."

Jarrod took a step toward her. "I'll speak to Lord Dunbridge about the living. Perhaps I can persuade him to change his mind about Reverend Tinsley."

"We don't need your intercession, Jays," Sarah told him. "There are other places Aunt Etta and I can go. We'll be fine."

"Blast it, Sarah! You came to me for help — "

Sarah turned in the doorway at the sound of her name. "And you refused. Remember?"

"I refused to seduce you," he corrected. "I didn't refuse other forms of help. Now, tell me how long before the magistrate makes his decision?"

Sarah bit her bottom lip.

"How long?" he repeated, a bit more forcefully.

"Three weeks."

"Well," Jarrod pronounced, "I'm sure we can come to some arrangement. Dunbridge is a businessman. If I can't persuade him to change his mind about the reverend in three weeks' time, I'm sure I can convince him of the benefits of providing you and your aunt with a place to live."

"Thank you, Lord Shepherdston." She bowed her head and executed a formal curtsy that set Jarrod's teeth on edge. "I'll see myself out."

Jarrod was tempted to let her. But he was a gentleman and his manners and his protective instincts prevailed. He glanced at the clock. It was nearly half past five. The household would be stirring soon and his day would begin with a morning ride and breakfast with his godfather, Lord Mayhew, followed by a meeting of the Free Fellows League in their usual room at White's. "Wait!"

"Yes?" Sarah tried, but failed to conceal the hopeful note in her voice.

Jarrod rubbed his hand over the stubble on his chin. He shouldn't venture out in the company of a lady without shaving or donning a fresh shirt, but since it was still early and the lady in question was liable to sneak out the front door if he took the time to do either, Jarrod decided against it. Most of the ton would be home in bed by now, and the few still out and about would probably look as disreputable as he did. "If all else fails, I can always purchase you a husband."

He meant it as a joke, but Sarah wasn't smiling. "If all else fails, I can always ensure that you'll have wasted your money. Good-bye, Jarrod."

"Not so fast," Jarrod cautioned. "I'm going with you to the hotel."

Sarah frowned. "That's not necessary…"

But Jarrod had already shrugged out of his dressing gown and was reaching for the jacket hanging on the back of his chair. He shoved his arms into the sleeves of his jacket and pulled it on over his shirt, ignoring the linen neckcloth still draped across the chair. "We'll take your coach to Ibbetson's. I'll wait until you're safely inside the hotel, then hire a hack to bring me back here." He looked at her. "That way there will be less risk of being seen together."

"There won't be any risk if you'll just hire me a hack and let me go back on my own," Sarah told him.

"Hire a hack?" Jarrod's heart skipped several beats as he narrowed his gaze at her and dared her to he. "Tell me you didn't come here in a hired hack. Alone and dressed like that?"

"I didn't," she said. "Mr. Birdwell dropped me off at the top of Park Lane and returned to the hotel."

"He dropped you off? You walked from the top of Park Lane?" Jarrod was incredulous. "In that downpour?"

"It was less than a mile," Sarah offered. "And I made it safely."

"You were soaking wet."

"I got soaked leaving the hotel. A little more rain didn't hurt. So if you'll just find me a coach, I'll be out of your way."

Jarrod raked his fingers through his hair in an obvious show of frustration. "Confound it, Sarah, have you any idea of the danger you were in?"

"I made it in under ten minutes."

"You could have had your throat slit or been raped in less time than that."

"You're joking," she said. "On Park Lane? In the heart of Mayfair?"

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