Hardly a Husband (Free Fellows League 3) - Page 27

"Colin and Gillian stayed home," Griff answered to spare Colin another explanation.

"Why?" Jarrod demanded. "Was Gillian ill?"

"No," Colin assured him. "She's fine."

"Then why the devil didn't you take her to the duchess's party? Gillian would have loved it. It's the biggest ball of the season and the most exclusive."

"Too exclusive," Colin answered.

Jarrod frowned.

"Colin and Gillian didn't receive their invitations in time to attend," Griff replied, diplomatically.

"Why the devil not?" Jarrod glanced toward Sussex's customary seat.

Jonathan intercepted his glance. "You know the duchess."

"Yes." Jarrod sighed. "I know the duchess. That's why I declined. She only invites me to her celebrations because I'm unmarried and available to partner the eligible young ladies."

"She invites you because you're considered unattainable," Alex corrected. "And she would like to be the one to snag you."

"She's still a lovely, well-preserved lady." Jarrod pretended not to understand. "But she's still a bit too old and too tyrannical for my taste. She outranks me and she would never let me forget it."

Courtland choked on his coffee at the idea of the Duchess of Sussex sharing a bed with anyone — much less Shepherdston. As far as he was concerned, Daniel's conception was the second miracle birth.

Jarrod glanced at Colin and couldn't resist baiting him a bit. "Once upon a time, you and I were both considered unattainable. Apparently, she's decided to punish you for going and getting yourself leg-shackled last season without her help or approval, else you'd have received your invitation this season."

Colin chuckled. "I prefer marriage to the Duchess of Sussex's invitations."

"And I prefer to remain unmarried." Jarrod winked at Barclay and Courtland. "Unlike these two, who, no doubt, accepted her invitation and ventured into dangerous territory last evening." He took a drink of coffee, then looked at the others. "So I stayed home and spent most of the night deciphering."

"Did you get them all done?" Colin asked.

"Unfortunately, I was interrupted." Jarrod didn't offer any explanations for the interruption and the others didn't ask for one.

"I thought the dispatches were needed at the War Office this morning," Griff ventured.

"They are." Jarrod turned to Colin. "Do you think Gillian would mind…?"

Colin had accidentally discovered, shortly after his marriage, that his bride was extremely proficient at solving word puzzles and deciphering French code and Jarrod wasn't above asking Gillian for help when he needed it. Jarrod didn't doubt for a moment that Gillian could be trusted with the information.

"She would be pleased to help," Colin said with a smile.

It was true. Colin's wife didn't know the history of the Free Fellows League or all of the work it did, but she knew he and his friends were part of it and that continuing their secret work was vital to the war effort. Gillian had a gift for numbers and an uncanny ability to break code. And she would die before she would betray him or any member of the League. In a few short months, Gillian had become the Free Fellows League's secret weapon and she was delighted to have the opportunity to contribute to the fight against Bonaparte.

Jarrod reached inside his jacket and removed the key to his desk drawer. "They're locked in the top drawer of my desk." He handed the key to Colin. "I'd be obliged if you'd get them and take them to your viscountess. I'll stop by your house and pick them up on my way to my meeting with Scovell later this morning. Tell Henderson I sent you."

Colin pocketed the key with a nod.

"Now," Jarrod continued, "where's Sussex? I want to know why he didn't invite Colin and his viscountess to his mother's party and I want to hear his report on his mission."

"Our sentiments exactly," Griff told him.

Jarrod frowned.

"As you can see, Daniel isn't here yet," Courtland added. "We spent the past quarter hour waiting for both of you."

"I apologize for being late," Jarrod said. "But something unexpected came up and it couldn't be helped. And I did send word to His Grace" — he nodded toward Griff — "that I had been unavoidably detained. I take it that Sussex didn't send word."

Tags: Rebecca Hagan Lee Free Fellows League Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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