Hardly a Husband (Free Fellows League 3) - Page 72

"Ja — "

Jarrod swallowed the soft sigh that escaped her lips along with his name as he took her in his arms and covered her mouth with his. He teased the seam of her lips, encouraging her to open her mouth and allow him further liberties.

Sarah obliged, parting her lips in silent invitation as he swept his tongue past her teeth and into the deep recesses of her mouth, exploring, searching, satisfying… tasting her with his mouth while his hands roamed at will. Sarah shivered with delight and anticipation as her knees grew weak and she melted against him.

Jarrod felt her legs give way and quickly scooped her up in his arms and stepped into the maze.

Sarah protested when he broke the kiss.

"I'm sorry to interrupt your second kissing lesson, my sweet," he murmured, nibbling at the corner of her mouth, "but we were far too exposed at the entrance of the maze where anyone might look out and see us."

She glanced around. "No one can see us now."

"It's still early yet," he said. "When the ballroom gets a bit warmer, couples will empty onto the terrace and move out into the garden. That's why the path is lit." He leaned forward and kissed her again. "And the maze is a favorite trysting place. Fortunately, most couples never make it past all the benches and the belvedere to where we're going."

"Where are we going?" Sarah whispered, looping her arms around his neck and holding on as he carried her deep into the maze, past several stone benches and a small grotto with a round belvedere made of marble and surrounded by columns in the Classical style.

"Somewhere where we'll have privacy," he answered, flawlessly negotiating the twists and turns of the maze.

Sarah narrowed her gaze at him, squinting in the dark. "You do this too well." The green-eyed monster of jealousy added a suspicious tone to her voice. "You've been here before."

He grinned.

Sarah saw the flash of his white teeth. "With whom?" she demanded.

"That, my dear Miss Nosey Nell," he said, using the name he'd called her when they were children, and punctuating each word with a kiss on the tip of her nose, "is none of your business." Jarrod stopped suddenly and set her on her feet.

The folly sitting in the center of the maze had been built shortly after the house had been constructed. The exterior of the folly was an exact replica of the exterior of the mansion, built on a much smaller scale and with one difference.

The mansion had a solid roof. The roof of the folly was constructed around a series of skylights to allow sunlight in the daytime and moonlight at night. In the folly, one might sleep beneath the stars. The interior was one large room, big enough for four adults to move around in quite comfortably and was an ideal playhouse for children.

It had once served that purpose, before the Garrisons' day, but when Jarrod had last been inside the folly, the child-sized furniture had been removed and replaced with a comfortable chaise longue and a dozen or so pillows and throws. As the Garrison children were both too young to require a playhouse, Jarrod hoped the folly was still furnished as a pleasure house for adults.

Reaching up beside the front door of the folly, Jarrod removed his gloves, then felt for the key secreted in a compartment behind the right front lamp. It was still there. He took the key and fitted it into the front door slot and turned the lock.

The door swung open on well-oiled hinges. Jarrod quickly ushered Sarah inside, then closed and locked the door, pocketing the key.

Sarah gasped.

The folly was one large room and the only furnishings in it were a large bed, a bedside table, a rocking chair, and a large mirror.

"I see the Garrisons have improved upon the furnishings since I was here last." Jarrod walked over to the bed and patted the coverlet. It was freshly laundered. He turned to Sarah and smiled.

"And when was that?"

"Sarah, Sarah…" He clucked his tongue. "Jealousy does not become you."

"I'm not jealous," she protested. "Just curious."

Jarrod laughed. "Now who's lying?"

"Maybe I am a little jealous," she admitted. "But only because I thought you'd remain… that you'd stay… you know…" She fumbled for the right words.

"Celibate?" He sat down on the bed and arched an eyebrow. "Virginal?"

She nodded. "Until I grew up." She pinned him with an accusing stare. "But you didn't."

"Of course I didn't," he said. "I'm a normal, healthy man with natural urges and desires. I satisfied them every chance I got." He winked at her and surprised himself by paraphrasing item number six of the Official Free Fellows League Charter. "Of course, I took no pleasure in the task. I looked upon it in the same manner as medicine that must be swallowed. I sacrificed myself on the altar of learning time and again in order that I might become a better teacher for you."

Tags: Rebecca Hagan Lee Free Fellows League Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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