Hardly a Husband (Free Fellows League 3) - Page 74

"I ache," she whispered shyly. "I ache in places I've never ached before."

Jarrod chuckled. "What do you think that means, my sweet?"

"I'm not sure," Sarah admitted. "But what you're doing isn't quite enough. It seems as if I'm striving for something. Something to soothe the ache."

"Oh?" He arched his eyebrow and gave her a wanton look. God, but she was incredible! How could he ask for more?

"I don't mean to criticize," she added quickly, as he leisurely stroked her soft curls with his finger. "Because what you're doing is quite the most wonderful thing I've ever felt other than what you did to my…" She blushed bright red.

"Breasts?" he offered.

"Yes," she whispered. "I loved the way you took me in your mouth as a baby would do."

"Like this?" He followed his suggestion with action, covering the point of her luscious ivory globe with his hot mouth, sucking deeply, drawing her nipple as far into his mouth as possible.

Sarah closed her eyes and gifted him with a low, keening moan.

Jarrod held his breath, struggling to maintain control as the sound and sight and scent of her passion threatened to send him over the edge.

"How about the other?" He treated her other breast to the same tender ministrations and Sarah nearly came off the bed as a rush of intense pleasure surged through her.

"Good heavens!"

He flicked his tongue over her nipple, then reluctantly released it and leaned over her. "You were saying?"

"I can't remember," she gasped. "I can't think. All I can do is feel."

"That's as it should be, my sweet," Jarrod murmured against her ear, moments before he thrust his tongue in it and sent new shivers of pleasure coursing through her. "Now, feel this…" He traced the contours of her mound, then slid his fingers inside its slick warmth and teased the tight little bud hidden within the folds.

"Oh, yes…"

There were no words to describe the shock she felt at the multitude of delicious and forbidden sensations as Jarrod's wicked and wonderfully skilled fingers slipped inside her petal-soft folds. She moaned his name and thrust her hips against his incredibly talented fingers, feeling the impact of those sensations deep inside her as yearnings she never knew she had shot to the surface and begged to be assuaged.

"How about this?" He slid a finger inside her. Sarah quivered uncontrollably.

"If that's how you feel about one, let's try another, shall we?" He withdrew his hand, then slid two fingers inside her, massaging, stretching, readying her for more…

"Oh, God, Jays, it's so… " Sarah grabbed at his shoulders. Missed. Then grabbed again and held on as Jarrod began a steady rhythm. Caressing her, stroking in and out with his fingers as she arched her back, flexing and squirming in an effort to get closer to him. Or have him get closer to her.

Sarah knew she should be scandalized by Jarrod's familiarity with the forbidden places on her body; knew she should be alarmed at the way he knew exactly what to do to increase the pleasure and the ache and at the way she allowed him to do whatever he wanted to do. Sarah had always known she was putty in Jarrod's hands, but she hadn't realized he had known exactly how to mold it. She had sensed it, but she hadn't known how much she wanted Jarrod to love her until now. He knew her much better than she knew herself and he'd been right to refuse her offer to become her first lover, for having felt this, how could she ever let him go? And staying free was the thing Jarrod wanted most.

Sarah knew they shouldn't be doing what they were doing. But she didn't care. She knew she should be shocked or embarrassed by the liberties he was taking. By the liberties she was allowing. Even encouraging. But how could she be shocked or embarrassed when it was her beloved Jays? And when all he gave was incredible pleasure?

This was what she wanted. What she needed. And she needed it from Jarrod. It didn't matter that he didn't love her or that he didn't want to marry her. She loved him. She had always loved him and that was enough. Because he felt something for her. He couldn't stroke her with such infinite tenderness and probe her secret places with such care if he didn't.

"Please," she murmured in such a heartfelt tone of voice that Jarrod couldn't tell if she was inviting him to continue or begging him to stop. He deepened his caress, wiggling his fingers against her slippery warmth. Sarah squeezed her legs together in reaction, before opening them again to give him access. And Jarrod had his answer.

Sarah squirmed as pleasure — hot and thick and dangerous — surged through her body, filling her with urgent longings she couldn't name and a buffet of vibrant emotions — all of them emanating from the place Jarrod graced with his glorious attention. She thrust her hips upward as she moaned her pleasure and gasped out his name in short frantic little breaths.

Jarrod kissed her again, gently at first, then harder, consciously matching the action of his fingers to that of his tongue as he feverishly worked his magic on her. He knew she was desperately close to finding release, even if she didn't quite know what to expect or what was happening to her.

Chafing beneath his self-imposed restraint, Jarrod ached to join her in blissful release, but he took his time. Laving her folds with the honey she lavished on his fingers, Jarrod pressed his thumb against her aching core.

Sarah sighed against his lips, then shuddered deeply as her tenuous control shattered, the tension she felt dissolved, and she came apart in his arms. She opened her eyes and looked up at him with such an expression of sheer awe and joy that Jarrod's breath caught in his throat. He was humbled by the look in her eyes and rewarded tenfold for his remarkable restraint.

"Better?" he asked.

Sarah blushed. "Much better." She stretched like a cat, delighting in the feeling, then suddenly she reached up, and framed Jarrod's face between her palms. "Thank you," she said simply, before pulling his face down to meet her lips.

Tags: Rebecca Hagan Lee Free Fellows League Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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