Hardly a Husband (Free Fellows League 3) - Page 103

you do half as well with Miss Eckersley, you're home free."

Barclay and Courtland rose to their feet and greeted the other Free Fellows cordially.

"Glad to see you hale and hearty this morning," Barclay told him.

"Thank you." Jarrod wasted no time in starting the meeting. "Did you hear anything about Sussex?"

"No," they answered in unison.

"But we heard you had a spot of trouble at Lady Garrison's last night," Barclay said.

Jarrod lifted an eyebrow.

"It's all over town," Courtland said. "Everyone was talking about the duel."

"There was no duel," Griff said. "Dunbridge didn't appear."

Barclay bit back a smile. "Imagine that."

Colin narrowed his gaze at the two newest members of the League. "Do you know anything about his failure to appear?"

They tried to look innocent and failed. "Spill it," Griff ordered.

"He was at Madam Theo's after the ball last night," Courtland told them. "Boasting of his impending duel with you." He nodded at Shepherdston.

"And?" Jarrod prompted.

Barclay grinned. "Madam Theodora turned ashen, then quickly recovered and instructed the girls that as long as Lord Dunbridge remained in the house, the night's entertainment and drinks were free." He shook his head. "It was some party."

Jarrod stared at Barclay's pallor and red eyes and agreed.

"Needless to say, no one wanted him to leave. Every time he attempted to go, someone pulled him back inside and handed him a drink," Courtland continued the story. "After he passed out, in the arms of the new redhead — Mina, I believe her name is — Madam Theo went to Barclay and asked for assistance in removing him. I assisted Barclay." Courtland's grin matched Barclay's.

"Did you harm him?" Colin asked, more out of curiosity than out of concern for Dunbridge.

"Not at all," Barclay said.

"But he will need to replenish his wardrobe." Courtland fought to keep from chuckling at the memory and failed. "We decided it best not to take a chance on him waking from his drunken stupor and attempting to keep his appointment at the dueling oak," Barclay told them. "So we appropriated his clothes."

"All of them?" Griff began to laugh.

"All, except a pair of brief drawers," Courtland said.

"What did you do with them?" Jarrod asked.

"Got 'em at my house," Barclay declared proudly. "When the blighter apologizes to Miss Eckersley for causing her so much trouble, I'll gladly allow him to reclaim them."

Jarrod smiled. By the time Dunbridge apologized, Miss Eckersley would be Lady Shepherdston. "Thank you," he said.

"Our pleasure," Courtland answered. "In more ways than one."

"Just one thing," Griffin added. "Sir?"

"Next time you take it upon yourselves to stop a duel, kindly send word so the rest of us won't be freezing our arses off at daybreak when we could be home in bed."

"Be thankful you didn't have to lug Dunbridge home," Barclay said. "Or pick up all the clothing we tossed out the window."

"Fair enough," Griff agreed.

Tags: Rebecca Hagan Lee Free Fellows League Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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