Truly a Wife (Free Fellows League 4) - Page 97

“It’s most appropriate,” he said. “You’ve had time to consider the consequences of continuing the current state of affairs. And to decide whether or not you’re willing to try another path.”

“I’m willing,” his mother said softly. “And I must admit I was surprised that you allowed it to go on as long as it did.”

“You’re my mother,” Daniel answered. “Miranda is the love of my life. I don’t want to have to choose between you. Or to have members of the ton take sides. You’ve treated her abominably, Maman, and now it’s time for you to start making amends.”

Recalling her conversation with Miranda a few days earlier, the dowager duchess attempted to circumvent the instructions Daniel had given her. “Miranda and I have already reached an understanding.”

“I’m pleased to hear it,” he told her. “But I expect you to do this for me all the same.”

The dowager duchess’s concern showed on her lovely face for the first time in years. “Everything sounds so final.” She looked into her son’s eyes. “You are planning to return, aren’t you?”

“Of course I am. I’ll send word as soon as I know when.”

“This is a great deal to accomplish in such a short amount of time,” she complained.

“You can manage it. You’re the dowager Duchess of Sussex. You took on the Gas-Light and Coke Company and had gaslights installed where they said it couldn’t be done in time for your gala. You can accomplish anything.”

She gave him her most devastating smile. “When you put it like that, I suppose you’re right.”

“I know I am.” Daniel leaned down to kiss his mother on the cheek. “Take care. I’ll see you when I return.” Turning, he headed toward the door.



“I thought I might surprise your bride by redecorating your wing of the house in a manner more suitable for a duke and his duchess.”

“That’s very nice of you, Maman,” he said. “Redecorate if you like, but you needn’t go to the trouble on our account. Miranda and I have decided to live in Miranda’s villa in Regent’s Park.”

“But Sussex House has always been the primary residence of the Dukes of Sussex,” she protested.

“Sussex House is your home, Maman. You’ve lived here thirty years.”

“But …”

“And Upper Brook Street, as the traditional residence of the Marquesses of St. Germaine, is Lady St. Germaine’s home,” he reminded her. “Marriage to me made Miranda the Duchess of Sussex, but she’s the fifth Marquess of St. Germaine by birth. You and Miranda and I could live here at Sussex House. Or Lady St. Germaine, Miranda, and I could live at Upper Brook Street. But we cannot do both. And since we don’t want to live in your house or in Lady St. Germaine’s house, Miranda and I have decided to make the villa in Regent’s Park our home.”

“Then I suppose it would be all right if I sent along a few things? Paintings, pieces of furniture, the cask of Sussex jewelry, a few objects d’art, and the like …”

“It would.” Daniel looked at his mother. “But I’m sure Miranda would appreciate it more if you invited her here so that she might choose the things she’d like for our new home from among these things. Excluding your apartments, of course.”

“Did she like the emerald?”

“Very much.”

“I suppose I could invite her for refreshments and a tour of the attics and the storerooms.”

“The house, the attics, and the storeroom,” Daniel said firmly. “She is the new duchess, after all, and should be allowed to choose whatever she wants from her husband’s home. As the dowager duchess, I should think that you would understand that and be prepared to be quite magnanimous.”

“All right.”

“Have I your word of honor that you’ll follow my instructions and invite Miranda and her mother for refreshments and a tour of the house, the attics, and the storeroom this afternoon?”

She nodded.

“I would appreciate hearing the words.”

“You have my word of honor that I will follow your instructions and invite Miranda and her mother for refreshments and a tour of the house, the attics, and the storeroom.” She studied his resolute expression, then gave in. “I’ll send a note around right away.”

Tags: Rebecca Hagan Lee Free Fellows League Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024