As he waited, Menolly glanced over at me, looking ready to panic. I could see the hope and disbelief warring in her eyes. And then Roz stood up and pushed her forward. Just enough so that she stumbled into Father’s arms. As they stood there, embracing, it occurred to me that bleak as the future was, at last we were finding our way. Forging allies. Laying plans.
I glanced at Chase. The odds were against us, all right. But with help, maybe we had a chance, after all.
Camille, Menolly, and I sat by the edge of Birchwater Pond. Dawn was an hour off, and we still had a little while before Menolly had to retreat for the day. Iris and Maggie were snuggled asleep, and Father was sleeping in the parlor.
“We’re outgrowing the house,” Camille said. “Morio and Trillian can stay with me, but I think we need to build a studio or something on the land. Roz, Shamas, and Vanzir can sleep there when they need to. Sort of like a stable.” She smiled softly, staring at the water as it rippled under the fading stars.
“Sounds like a plan to me,” Menolly said. “Did Queen Asteria have anything to say about Trillian?”
Camille shook her head. “No, and I didn’t ask. I’m not supposed to know about his secret mission, but now that Father’s safe, we should be hearing from him soon. I only hope that he can adjust to all the changes.” She let out a long sigh, looking a little nervous. “I guess we start searching for the fifth seal now. At least Father’s safe.”
Our father had been captured by a party of the Goldensün, or the golden Fae as they were often known. With gilded skin and jet eyes, they were xenophobic and lived high in the mountains. They’d imprisoned him when he accidentally stumbled into their lair. They hadn’t harmed him, but it had taken him a while to escape. The information he managed to deliver to Queen Asteria had turned the tide in the war and allowed Tanaquar to route Lethesanar. Our father was a hero. And he’d always been one in our eyes.
“Whatever happened to Fraale?” I asked. “I lost track of her during the fight.”
“She returned to Otherworld. Roz says they can’t be around each other without arguing. She still loves him. He doesn’t think they can make it.”
“Maybe he should give it a try,” I whispered softly. And then, under the stars shining so brilliantly, and the moon deep in her dark cups, I knew it was time. “I met my twin sister.” And I told them about her, about the fight. “She didn’t give me her name, though. I’ll ask Father. He’ll have to be straight with me about what happened.”
“So we had a fourth sister,” Menolly said. “It feels odd to think about.”
“What are you going to do about Chase?” Camille asked, after a moment.
“We’ve decided to give it a try. We aren’t promising exclusivity, not right now. But Chase asked me about something and I didn’t know what to say.”
“What is it?” Menolly gazed at me.
“He wants to know more about the nectar of life. I think he wants to stay with me—with us—for the long haul.” In the depths of my heart, I wanted him to. “I’m going to talk to Titania about it. She’ll understand, and maybe she’ll be able to help prevent what happened to Tam Lin from happening to Chase. If he only takes a small dose—enough to let him live with me through my allotted span . . . maybe it would work.”
There wasn’t much to say after that, and thankfully, my sisters didn’t even bother trying. We watched the water lap on the shores for another few minutes, and then Menolly took my hand and pulled me to my feet.
“Come on, Kitten. I think it’s time for Jerry Springer. I’ve still got an hour or so. I’ll join you, and we can feed Maggie while Iris and Camille rustle up a big breakfast.”
Suddenly lighthearted, I pushed worry to the side and let loose, racing along the path. Camille and Menolly ran full tilt behind me, all three of us laughing under the solemn moon. We were heading home. Home to our father. Home to our lovers. And home to our family.
>“He wants to know more about the nectar of life. I think he wants to stay with me—with us—for the long haul.” In the depths of my heart, I wanted him to. “I’m going to talk to Titania about it. She’ll understand, and maybe she’ll be able to help prevent what happened to Tam Lin from happening to Chase. If he only takes a small dose—enough to let him live with me through my allotted span . . . maybe it would work.”
There wasn’t much to say after that, and thankfully, my sisters didn’t even bother trying. We watched the water lap on the shores for another few minutes, and then Menolly took my hand and pulled me to my feet.
“Come on, Kitten. I think it’s time for Jerry Springer. I’ve still got an hour or so. I’ll join you, and we can feed Maggie while Iris and Camille rustle up a big breakfast.”
Suddenly lighthearted, I pushed worry to the side and let loose, racing along the path. Camille and Menolly ran full tilt behind me, all three of us laughing under the solemn moon. We were heading home. Home to our father. Home to our lovers. And home to our family.