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Nauti Temptress (Nauti Girls 1)

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Kai laughed at the other man’s comment as Eve glimpsed him prowling about the other side of the kitchen.

“How long do you think it should take?” Kai asked. “I have to call them soon. I don’t want anyone getting any ideas if they figure out we have the boat and where we are.”

“It’s all depending on where that gold is.” Poppa Bear shrugged. “It will take them a while to load it, though. Chandler never got it all transported after he stole it. Though, I’d say Dawg can get it all in one haul in that heavy-duty delivery truck he has for the store if he can get it to wherever his daddy hid it.”

“Too bad it wasn’t hidden in the house.” Kai grimaced.

“I spent three nights searching that house after Chandler died.” Poppa Bear sighed. “If it was there, it was hid so damned good that even my electronics couldn’t find the shit.”

What gold?

God, she hated this. If she ever got out of it alive and Brogan kept so much as one damned secret from her then she was going to end up shooting him.

Besides the fact she was way too damned nosy and hated, absolutely hated, not knowing what was going on, she had also not been prepared for Kai Maynard. Perhaps if she had known what was going on, she would have been prepared.

“If we could have gotten rid of Brogan’s sister, then none of us would have been identified,” Kai snapped, his anger obviously brewing. “Son of a bitch, Bear, this is ridiculous. How the hell did he manage to fuck up?”

“We warned him,” Poppa Bear seemed to be reminding him. “Samantha Bryce ain’t no man’s dummy. And her instincts are out of this world. She was already gettin’ suspicious of him and he wouldn’t hear it.”

Kai muttered something that caused Poppa Bear to chuckle in amusement. “Just ’cause she’s a lesbian don’t make her no dummy, Kai.”

“Fine, she’s no dummy,” Kai snapped, his tone hard and angry. “Kraig wasn’t stupid either. So how did she manage it?”

“I told you Kraig was underestimating her,” Poppa Bear retorted, obviously becoming irritated. “I even told Kraig and he wouldn’t listen to me.”

“Stupid bastard,” Kai cursed again. “I should have called one of the men in from Illinois. They wouldn’t have put up with her shit.”

“Yeah, us Southern boys just seem to have trouble believin’ our womenfolk are as smart as we are.” Poppa guffawed. “It ends up gettin’ most of us hurt. Boys like Kraig end up gettin’ killed.”

Poppa Bear looked back at her, winked again, this time without the smile, but with a warning look instead before turning back to Kai.

“Give ’em a call, Kai,” Poppa Bear told him patiently. “Make the call to Ray, he has a cooler head. Those boys just blow up and lose their senses when they get pissed.”

“Now don’t it just break my heart that they’re gonna get pissed,” Kai sneered. “See if you can find that location scrambler for me.”

“Hell, I told you to keep it with you, Kai,” Poppa Bear growled in irritation. “Hang on.”

Straightening from his chair Poppa Bear moved down the hall to the back bedroom. Watching him, Eve saw him going through the blankets on the bed before turning into the bathroom. Empty-handed, he moved back into the bedroom, started going through some bags then moments later gave a muffled “Aha.”

Stepping back into the hall, he paused.

Pushing a small metal key quickly into her hand, he whispered so low she barely heard him. “Wait for the sign. Unlock. Go over back into water. Hear me?”

She nodded quickly.

Rising, he took a quick step away from her as she felt the cool light weight of the key in her curled fingers.

“I got our location scrambler,” Poppa Bear announced as he moved back into the kitchen. “Is there anything else you need, young’un?”

Kai laughed fondly as he stepped to the other man and took the device.

“Two hours,” Kai remarked. “That should be plenty of time for them to get everyone together.”

“Definitely,” Poppa Bear agreed. “Make sure old Dawg has plenty of help loadin’ all that purty gold.”

Eve watched as Kai plugged his phone into it then quickly made his call.

Location scrambler?

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