Nautier and Wilder (Nauti Girls 1.5) - Page 16

What was he supposed to do then?


Piper loved New York City.

The pace, the energy, the sense of excitement that seemed to permeate every corner of the city sank into her senses. Her heart beat faster. Blood rushed quick and furious through her veins, and the ordered chaos, the shopping throngs and ever-present sea of faces channeled a chaotic pace inside her own body and filled her with elation.

The first time Dawg and his wife, Christa, had brought her to the city had been to introduce her to the many and varied bolts of fabrics and exquisite costume jewelry and fake gems available in the small, out of the way shops and fabric stores there. Rhinestones, glittering crystals, clear sapphire – and emerald-colored stones—the choices seemed almost unlimited.

Now, five years later, she still found the little shops and stores impossible to leave once she began searching for the items she needed for each design—those already sketched and those that built in her imagination as she found hidden bolts of unique or discontinued fabrics, bows, ribbons, and glittering stones.

It was the first place she’d headed the minute she had rented her car that morning after arriving at the hotel.

The black four-door sedan was actually much smaller than she preferred for a four-door, but the latest trend in economy and fuel efficiency had also inspired a new generation of car designs that she simply wasn’t as fond of.

Driving in New York City wasn’t always safe, but it was rarely dull. Piper found her senses tuning in to the traffic, the bystanders, the lights and sounds of the streets as she drove outside the city toward the mountains that Eldon Vessante’s assistant had directed her to. The interview would take place at Vessante’s estate, rather than the hotel, and though she hadn’t anticipated the drive, she found it relaxed her, at least. Her nerves were less than settled at the thought of the upcoming meeting.

As she drove out of the city and entered the less congested interstate, she could feel her excitement building.

The change in time and location of the meeting was unexpected, especially considering the fact that his assistant had seemed less pleasant than she had when Piper had spoken to her the first time.

Following the onboard navigation, she found herself turning from the highway and moving onto a two-lane road that climbed slowly into the surrounding mountains. Another turn and she passed the sign for Vessante Way, the designer’s estate the assistant, S. Chaniss, had told her they were meeting at.

Piper was feeling more confused than excited as she pulled into the curving driveway in front of the three-story estate and gazed up at the stone steps leading to the massive double front doors.

There were no attendants present. No one was rushing to park her car, and only a small, bright red little sports car ahead of her was present.

Stepping from the rental car, she pulled free the wide portfolio she’d brought with her and gazed around the heavily forested area for long seconds before moving slowly to the steps.

As she reached the top, the doors swung slowly inward to reveal a towering butler.

Standing at six and a half feet at the very least, his brown gaze icy, his expression implacable, he gave every indication of being ex-military, and as hard as granite.

“Ms. Mackay.” He nodded down at her with a slight inclination of his head. “Mr. Vessante is awaiting you in the drawing room.”

The drawing room? Those actually still existed?

“If you’ll follow me.” It may have been worded as a request, but the tone was a straight-up order.

Her brother and cousins had ensured that she recognized the difference.

Before he turned away, his gaze raked over her with a glint of sudden curiosity, or familiarity. She’d met a lot of men over the years whom her male kin knew, and she was certain she had never met this man, yet that look gave her the uneasy feeling that he knew her.

Turning, he indicated she should follow him.

Dressed in black, perfectly creased slacks and a pristine white shirt that didn’t have a single wrinkle, he led her through the wide, steel-colored marble foyer that seemed to extend a mile or more. Reaching the end of the room-size entryway, he turned sharply to the right and a set of doors at the end of the short hall.

A sharp rap of his knuckles was answered in seconds. The butler gripped the doorknobs, pushed the doors open, then stood back for her to enter.

The heavy Gothic design of the room was a shock. Piper stepped from the more contemporary foyer and tried to control her amazement as she stared around the room. Dark, heavy woods, leather furniture with carved clawed feet, and thick, dark draperies over the windows that blocked the early summer sunlight and sent a rush of trepidation rushing through her.

She jumped, startled at the heavy snap of the doors closing behind her before swinging forward again. From the corner of the room, a light chuckle drew her startled gaze and she watched as Vessante rose and moved slowly into the center of the room. He approached her slowly, his head tilted to the side, icy blue eyes regarding her mockingly.

“You seem nervous.” His tone was less than sincere as he attempted to put on a friendly expression.

What was going on here?

“Where are the other designers?” Piper blurted, then winced. Not exactly the most graceful greeting, but this private meeting wasn’t what she’d been expecting at all. She had to force herself to stay in place as he moved within inches of her, his gaze dropping to her breasts as his right hand reached out.

Tags: Lora Leigh Nauti Girls Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024