Nautier and Wilder (Nauti Girls 1.5) - Page 27

“Piper.” He was out of the bed instantly and dressing. “What happened?”

“Well, me and my friends were staying at this hotel in New York City when the lady in the room next to us started screaming. When we ran to her room this guy was beating the crap out of her. He got away with her purse, but her day planner was still lying on a table and it had your name in it. If you know her, the doctors really need some info.”

“Where is she?” Jed growled the single word, having dressed as the kid made his explanation.

He was given the name and address quickly as he jerked his boots on his feet, grabbed his weapon and keys, and headed for the door.

“Look, are you family or something?” he was asked then. “They really need to treat her, but she’s unconscious—”

“Comatose or unconscious?” Jed was in the pickup he kept parked at the inn for those times when he needed something besides the Harley.

This was one of those times.

There was a moment’s mumbled conversation. “Man, the nurse won’t tell me. She says family—”

“I’m her brother,” he lied instantly. “Her only family. Now, is she comatose or unconscious?”

“Here’s the nurse.”

The nurse was, fortunately, more informative.

Identifying himself as her brother to the nurse, he waited what seemed like an eternity as she found the doctor. Pulling from the inn’s parking lot, he drove at the legal speed limit until far enough from the inn to avoid drawing Timothy’s attention, then hit the gas and increased his speed.

Until he hit the highway he wouldn’t be safe from detection, just from being stopped for speeding. Sheriff Mayes’s deputies would immediately report the truck speeding if they saw it, just as any Somerset cop would report directly to Chief of Police Alex Jansen.

As he got to the city limits, the doctor finally, thankfully, took the phone.

Piper was stable, thank God. He wouldn’t have to call Dawg after all. She was currently severely bruised, concussed, and unconscious, but in stable condition. The hospital needed permission to treat her, though, the doctor explained.

Jed lied once again and told them he was her brother, gave the doctor permission to treat Piper, then asked her to put the young man who called him on the phone once again.

“You didn’t give the nurse the planner to call—why?” he asked instantly, suspiciously.

“I don’t know.” Jed could almost see the uncomfortable shrug he imagined the young man made. “We were the ones who rescued her; I guess we kind of feel responsible for her until someone else gets here. You know? And that dude that attacked her tried to shoot us as he ran out of the room. The police around here are nuts, too. They didn’t even bat an eyelash, so no one’s watching to make sure the guy doesn’t come after her again.”

“I’ll be there in approximately three hours,” Jed told him. “Can you wait?”

“We’ll be here until you get to her,” Bret promised. “But if you could get here faster, it would be good. I heard the nurse say someone else already called the hospital and asked about the lady attacked at the hotel, so whoever attacked her could be planning to come back.”

“How many are with you?”

“Just me, my best friend, Matt, and his girlfriend, Olivia,” Bret told him. “We’ll wait on you. No one’s going to bother her while we’re here.”

“Thank you.” Jed wasn’t reassured, but he had to admit he was damned glad to know she wasn’t alone.

“Well, if it was my sister, I’d want someone to wait on me,” the boy admitted. “Drive careful. We’ll be here.”


Jed hit the interstate and pushed his foot on the gas as he disconnected the call, then made another.

“Control,” a well-modulated feminine voice answered.

“This is Agent Booker,” he stated before quickly giving his control number. “I’m en route to agency airfield in Louisville, Kentucky. Advise all law enforcement to allow disposition and advise agency pilot to have transport ready. Destination New York City.”

“We have you on satellite, Agent Booker,” Control advised him. “All law enforcement will be advised and turned away. Proceed with caution to airfield Delta-Bravo-Tahoe, where a pilot will be advised to be waiting in hangar six-four-zero.”

“Understood,” he responded. “Agent Booker out.”

Tags: Lora Leigh Nauti Girls Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024