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Nautier and Wilder (Nauti Girls 1.5)

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Parting her lips further, tasting the teasing heat of her tongue against his, Jed had to force his fingers to work. To remove each button from the exquisite softness of the blouse she’d made with her own delicate fingers.

Fingers that were curling against his chest, blunt little nails rasping against his flesh as she dragged them to the jeans riding low at his hips.

Hell. She was tugging at his belt, releasing it, dragging it apart slowly as he deepened the kiss and drew in the rich essence of her feminine need.

The last button parted, the material separating and slowly drifting from her shoulders as he pushed it back from the rapid rise and fall of her breasts.

Soft, silken lace encased her breasts in a bra as light as air. Sliding the clip between her breasts open and pulling the fabric from the swollen weight of the firm curves, he was forced to pull his lips back from hers, to drag in air as the button of his jeans released.

His self-control was going to hell in a handbasket.

“Come here, baby.” Swinging her up into his arms, he strode quickly through the sitting room to the bedroom door.

Opening it and pushing through, he moved to the bed he’d turned back when he’d entered the room earlier to check the doors. Laying her against the cool white sheets, he moved his hands to her delicate legs, where the skirt she wore had fallen back above her knees.

The midcalf length of the full skirt shouldn’t have been so damned sexy, but it had tormented him all day with the knowledge that it covered flesh softer than the material over it.

Stroking his hand down one leg to her fragile feet, he removed the sandals covering one before moving to the next.

“Beautiful.” Running his hands back up the inside of her legs, he parted them gently, watching as the paisley print of the skirt fell back to her thighs. “Do you know how hard it was to keep from dragging you to this bedroom today? To keep from pushing my hands beneath this skirt to find all the sweet, hot flesh beneath?”

Piper arched beneath him, watching through lashes that refused to open fully, fighting to breathe through the incredible pleasure pouring through her.

Pushing his hands beneath the skirt, he curled his fingers beneath the elastic of the low-rise bikini underwear she wore an

d began pulling them down with exquisite slowness.

“Jed, you’re teasing me,” she accused him, her body tortured with the need for his possession.

“I’m teasing me.” Hot, rich lust echoed in his voice, filled the dark sound with wicked hunger as he pulled her panties free and tossed them to the floor.

Pulling back, he rose quickly beside the bed, and before she could do more than draw a sharp breath, he’d shed the denim and snug boxer underwear containing the fierce width of his straining erection.

Heavy veins throbbed forcefully along the shaft as he came to her, while the wide crest, flushed and dark with lust, gleamed with a layer of precome.

Rather than pushing her legs immediately apart and coming into her, as she’d expected, he lowered himself carefully over her. Rough with an overnight shadow of a beard, his cheek brushed against the side of her breast.

“So pretty,” he whispered as her hands gripped his shoulders, her legs parting to encase the muscular strength of his thighs.

Arching to him, Piper bit back a demanding moan. She needed to feel his lips against her breasts. Needed to feel the heavy draw of his mouth and the flick of his wicked tongue.

“You’re going to make me beg, aren’t you?” she demanded, a moan slipping into her voice as his lips brushed against the tight, sensitive point.


She would have, if he would just—

“Oh, God! Oh, Jed. Yes. Please.” Her hands lifted to his head, her fingers fisting in his hair as she strained against him, arching into the heated possession of his mouth as it wrapped around the sensitive peak of her breast.

The tender bud of her nipple throbbed in agonizing pleasure as he drew on it. Fierce, pleasure-sharp spikes of sensation raced to her clit and the depths of her vagina as the feel of silken warmth eased from the clenched portal.

Drawing on the tender flesh, he flicked his tongue against it with lashing warmth. Pleasure struck repeatedly at her womb, clenching her pussy and pounding through her clit with exquisite sensation.

“Oh, God, Jed, it’s so good.” She arched closer, desperate to feel his touch between her thighs. Piper’s senses became focused on nothing else but each fiery, rapturous tug of his lips and each suckling motion of his hot mouth as his fingers eased slowly, teasingly up her thigh.

“Jed, please.” Begging was so not beneath her as his fingers brushed against the silken folds of her pussy.

He parted the intimate lips, his touch too slow, almost taunting as she arched and ached for more.

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