The Ruthless Gentleman - Page 103

I groaned, and my dick twitched beneath her.

She trailed one hand down my chest and grasped my straining cock, lifting up on her knees as she placed me at her entrance. She gasped, and I knew that was my cue. I tightened my fingers around her and pulled her down onto me.

She threw her head back and screamed. Christ, I loved her sounds and how they vibrated around my cock. I pushed her back, the drag of my flesh against hers sending shockwaves across my body, and then slammed her against me again. She liked to be on top but she also liked me in control.

“Yes, Hayden,” she said on an exhale and I began to plot out a rhythm, pushing and pulling, grinding and slamming. Fucking and fucking.

Part of me wanted to close my eyes and savor the feel of her soft flesh beneath my fingers, her pussy around my cock, but I couldn’t stop gazing at her, the jut of her breasts, the rosy pink nipples, temptingly pointing at me, the white expanse of her throat that I promised myself I would lick later, her hair tumbled across her shoulders.

I flipped her over and her legs went around my waist as I set to work to drive us both toward our climax. I thrust and thrust, wanting to solidify our connection, make her mine, stop her from ever leaving me.

She arched her back, digging her fingernails into my shoulder as she began to come. The pulse of her pussy and the bite of her nails set the touch paper on my own orgasm as my balls tightened and I pushed into her as far as I could get, not wanting this perfect connection to end. No matter what came next, fucking Avery, loving her, being with her would be the most satisfying thing I’d ever do in my life.


Nine months later


As I pulled into the driveway, Avery stood in the doorway in jeans and what looked like one of my old shirts. It drowned her petite frame, but still managed to be impossibly sexy. Would I still get that rush of heat in my gut when I saw her waiting for me twenty years from now? Christ, I hoped so.

She raced toward the car, the gold edges of her hair flashing in the noon sun as I pulled to a halt.

“Hey, beautiful,” I said as she swung open the car door before I’d even unclicked my seatbelt.

“Can you believe we’re doing this? Like, really doing this?”

Her wide smile always coaxed mine from wherever it was hiding. I slid out of the car and she linked her hands around my neck. I pressed my lips to hers.

“We’re really doing this.” I glanced up at our new house. We’d bought it the day after we landed in London. We’d had twenty viewings lined up over three days, but we’d walked into this one and hadn’t bothered looking at another. It was a modern house, about an hour outside of London, in a leafy village and set on five acres of land. It had taken two months to get the owners out and another two to get the renovations done but it was finally ready.

“I’m going to get to welcome you home from work every day—”

“Naked?” I asked.

“Maybe some days.” She scrunched up her nose. “A lot of days, probably. But not today. Not yet. I’ve had a thousand deliveries.”

“Well, I’m about to make another,” I said, opening the door to the back seats. I pulled out a cardboard tube and handed it to her.

“Are they good? Did you look?” she asked, popping out the plastic end of the tube and peering into it.

“I thought we should look together.” She gazed up at me and I placed another kiss on her lips before grabbing a small black gift bag and slamming the door.

“This is our home, Hayden. I like live in the UK and everything now,” she said as we approached the threshold.

“I couldn’t be happier about that,” I replied as we went inside and I shrugged off my jacket. I glanced around. We’d only moved in the day before, but the place still looked pretty empty apart from the basics. Avery didn’t have much to ship from the U.S. and we’d kept the flat in London, so we were starting from scratch here. As long as we had a bed and a sofa, I didn’t care about anything other than what made Avery happy. “I’m sorry I had to go into the office today, I just needed to—”

“It’s totally fine. It was fun straightening things out. I ordered some more stuff online and I started my reading. There’s a lot. They’re going to work me hard.”

“No doubt. Kings College is one of the best universities in the country.” I pressed my lips to her forehead. I couldn’t be more proud that she was finally doing what she wanted to do.

Tags: Louise Bay Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024