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Mr. Knightsbridge (The Mister 1)

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“What?” I asked.

“This bad mood is Stella related.” Dexter said.

“Don’t be ridiculous.” If I could just stop thinking about her everything could get back to normal.

“Yup, it’s definitely Stella related. Did she say no to your very weak game?” Tristan asked.

“My game isn’t weak. And of course, she didn’t say no.” I groaned inwardly. I’d just given them an in.

“Ahhh,” they both chorused.

“I thought by that hangdog expression it was women trouble,” Tristan said. “Not that I’ve ever seen it on you. This is interesting.”

I didn’t have women trouble. Stella and I weren’t dating. We weren’t even talking.

“You slept with her,” Dexter said. “Then what happened?”

“Nothing. I don’t want to talk about it.”

“But there’s an it that you don’t want to talk about,” Tristan said. He was really getting on my nerves.

“Shut up,” I said.

“You two need to stop it before a fight breaks out,” Dexter said. “But seriously, what happened with Stella? I’ve never seen you like this. You’re defensive and bad-tempered. We’re not laughing at you—we’re laughing with you.”

“I’m laughing at him,” Tristan said. “But you can have Christy’s number if it will help.”

I needed to leave, or Tristan and I were going to end up at the end of each other’s fists. I might be in a bad mood, but he was unnaturally chirpy.

“Shut up, Tristan,” Dexter said.

“Sorry,” he mumbled. “I just ordered a new car and I’m feeling pretty pleased with myself. I’ll shut up.” He waved his hand over his face and resumed a normal expression. “I was being a dick. Tell us what happened?”

“Nothing’s up. I just . . .” I just wasn’t sure what had gone wrong. “I suggested she and I celebrate getting the Dawnay building, and she didn’t seem that keen. Said it was best to keep it professional. That’s all.” I didn’t get it. We’d had a completely great week. Amazing. Why wouldn’t she want to celebrate? But whatever. I was over it. Not that there was anything to get over.

“You like her, Beck,” Dexter said. “I’m not sure what they’re putting in the air up there in Scotland, but whatever it is has you brooding over a woman.”

“I am not brooding.” I was just irritated.

“You wouldn’t normally care what anyone thought of you, but Stella’s opinion obviously matters,” Dexter said. “If it makes you feel any better, I thought she was great. Gave as good as she got. And she was hot, wasn’t she, Tristan?”

“I’d bang her,” Tristan replied.

“Hey,” I warned. I didn’t like the idea of Tristan thinking of Stella like that.

“That’s not saying a lot coming from Tristan—it would mean more if he wouldn’t bang her,” Dexter said.

“Well, the point is moot,” I replied. “Even if I did like her, which I’m not saying I do, we haven’t spoken since we got back.”

Tristan rolled his eyes. “Persistence pays off. Look at me and Christy. I’ve been trying to get her number for three months. You just gotta work at it.”

“I don’t work at getting women,” I replied. I didn’t work at having people like me. Not for anyone. And especially not Stella. She was too used to just going along with what other people wanted. She needed to figure out what made her happy.

“Sometimes it’s worth it,” Dexter said. “You don’t want to regret anything. And from your mood, it seems like Stella is important.”

“I liked her. That’s all.” I thought she’d liked me too. But, I guess that’s how it went. It just needled. I’d thought we were on the same page.

“That’s all?” Tristan asked. “I’ve never heard you say you like a woman. I rarely hear you mention a woman.”

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