Mr. Knightsbridge (The Mister 1) - Page 97

The goods lift hit the floor with a thump.

“What?” I asked.

“Well, she’s walked out on Matt. Left him.”

For all Karen’s faults, I didn’t think she’d walk out on a marriage that was only six month’s old.

“Apparently she found him with his hand up one of her mother’s friends’ ski

rts at their housewarming. And they were snogging each other’s faces off. Of course, he blamed it on the booze.”

I laughed although it wasn’t funny. I’d never thought Matt was a cheater. He might have cheated on me, but I didn’t think that’s who he was in his DNA. But perhaps that’s how he was wired. “Are you sure that’s not just the story Karen made up to deflect from something she’d done?”

Florence shrugged. “I heard it from Bea who heard it from Karen.”

“Are they trying to make it work or is that it? The D word?” I asked.

“From what I heard, Karen’s already moved on.”

We headed across the road to the bench where Beck and I sat and had our lunch on days we were on site.

Beck was right—those two really did deserve each other.

“How do you feel?” Florence asked. “I wondered if you’d be a bit upset.”

“Upset?” I asked. “I don’t feel anything other than relief that I’m not part of the drama. And grateful it wasn’t me that found him. That he ended things when he did and he didn’t come back to me in the months before the wedding when I might have taken him back. Him marrying Karen was awful but it led me to Beck, and I can’t be sad about that.”

I grinned as Beck waved from the entrance to One Park Street. He strode over to us.

“Christ, he’s so good looking, Stella.”

“He is. But it’s his heart and his humor that make me love him more every day.”

“What are you two gossiping about?” Beck asked as he bounded over.

“I was just telling Florence how much I love you,” I said and that grin he wore when things went his way crept across his face.

“Not as much as I love you,” he said, dropping a kiss on the top of my head.

“You two are ridiculously perfect for each other,” Florence said.

“Just as you and Gordy are.”

“Which is the other reason I’m here,” Florence said. “Gordy proposed and I said yes.”

I jumped up and threw myself at Florence. “Yes! I’m so happy for you.”

“I want you to be maid of honor. Gordy wants a huge wedding. I’d prefer to elope but, you know, he doesn’t often put his foot down.”

“I’m excited.” I turned to Beck. “Isn’t this great?”

“I wish you were this excited when I propose to you.” He rolled his eyes.

I had to stifle a giggle. Beck proposed on an almost monthly basis. And each time, I said maybe or no or not yet. He took it in his stride, but I could understand why me being so excited smarted a little. “It’s different. Florence and Gordy have been together forever.”

“Just like we will be,” he replied.

“Right. So who cares if we get married?” I’d been so sure that I’d marry Matt, that somehow I didn’t want to cheapen what Beck and I had by wanting to get married. A ceremony that everyone else could have wasn’t enough somehow. I didn’t see the point.

Tags: Louise Bay The Mister Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024