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Mr. Knightsbridge (The Mister 2)

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He pushed the soap and water back over his head. My mind went entirely blank for a split second as I imagined stripping naked and joining him. That would cool me off, stop me thinking too far ahead. I turned away, intent on clearing my head.

I loved London. There was no doubt about that. It felt like this city was the world and Oregon had been some kind of waiting room. I knew it would be difficult to go back when now my eyes had been opened to what was out here in the world. But while my sister was still in Oregon, that was home. “I appreciate that you’re thinking of me,” I replied, turning back toward Dexter but keeping my gaze trained on the floor. “But there are a lot of things I need to consider. You know Autumn hasn’t graduated yet. She needs me.”

“She’s a grown woman. Surely she wants you to live your life,” he said.

“You don’t understand,” I replied. “I’ve always looked after her.”

“No, you’re right. I don’t understand. My brother couldn’t wait to disappoint me.”

I hated hearing him talk about his brother, because he was still so obviously upset about it. I just didn’t understand why David hadn’t protected him from Sparkle, hadn’t fought for the family business. “Yeah, I know, I’m sorry. I can’t imagine what it would be like if I didn’t have Autumn. Were you and your brother close before your parents died?”

“Very. The four of us were . . . unbreakable.”

I couldn’t imagine it was possible for the bond between Autumn and I to be broken. Devastated wouldn’t even begin to describe my feelings if we were suddenly estranged. “And you haven’t spoken since your parents died?”

“Since after I found out what he’d done.” He stood directly under the water as if he were trying to wash away the memories.

“It’s unthinkable to me that he did that even though he knew it would have been the last thing your parents wanted and you were so set against it.” I would do anything to make my sister happy. Perhaps it was because I saw my parents fail to make sacrifices for either of us, but I just wanted her to have what I never did—someone who would put me first.

“The difference is you’re a good person, Hollie.”

“But you would have said the same thing about your brother,” I replied. There must have been a reason for David to do what he did, but Dexter clearly didn’t think so. “What changed?”

He yanked the lever to turn off the shower and his mood shifted. “So, you moving in or what?” he asked, obviously not wanting to dwell on his broken relationship with his brother. “If you think it’s too much then it’s not a big deal. We can keep things as they are.”

I liked things as they were. A lot. I liked Dexter a lot. I glanced around his bedroom. I only went back to my studio to shower and change these days. It was two hundred and twenty square feet I wouldn’t miss. “You’d have to clear out some closet space,” I said as Dexter stepped out of the shower, completely naked. “And you’re going to have to keep away from me in the morning when you’re naked.”

He tilted his head. “Can’t resist me, huh?” He grinned, wrapped a towel around his waist and swept past me. “Follow me.”

I glanced at the clock on my watch. I was going to have to get moving or I was going to be really late. And I needed time away from Dexter so I could think clearly. “Can this wait?” I said, padding after him. “I really have to get out of here.”

I followed him into one of his guest rooms. “So, this wardrobe is totally free. But I put some of my old suits into the other bedroom so there’s a couple of rails in the master as well. Up to you how you want to distribute stuff.”

He must know that everything I owned would fit in half of one of the units in his closet, but it was super sweet of him not to banish me to the guest room. He really wanted me here. And I wanted to be here. What was there to analyze? Dexter had done nothing that deserved anything but my complete trust.

“I can get on board with the suitcase thing,” I conceded. “But on the condition that we park any talk about future jobs and moving to London.”

“Deal,” he said, turning to kiss me.

“You’re wet,” I said. “And I need to leave.” He kissed me again and I headed toward the door, trying to bite back a smile. I knew it was only for a few weeks, but I’d never lived with a guy before if you didn’t count my father. I’d never even considered it.

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